
Think Before Inaction

By: Ustadz Talqis Nurdianto, Lc., MA. [Candidate for PhD Degree from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia]

IF we want to think first before committing immorality, we will not dare to commit immorality, anytime and anywhere. Why are we still falling for crime and immorality? Because we are lazy to think about the consequences of the immorality that will be done. Instead, they only think about how the immorality to be done is not known by others so that it appears in front of humans as if it is immoral.

This is why we are missing one of the messages in al-Quran, namely to want to think. About 14 times in the Qur'an Allah reminds us to use the mind. When we are going to do worship, good deeds, and other goodness must be accompanied by knowledge, as the fruit of thinking. So that goodness is truly accepted by God and not in vain. Thinking how to do it from start to finish and what rewards Allah has prepared for the doer.

There is not a single good that we do according to the instructions of Prophet Muhammad SAW unless Allah has prepared a reward, both the reward is given in this world and in the hereafter. By reading one letter al-Quran alone Allah prepared ten goodness. People who read al-Quran with stammering due to learning to read it, Allah prepared two good rewards for him.

The good we do will result in goodness too. This encourages us to continue to do good, because we think that Allah provides rewards for every good that is done. What about immorality? Every disobedience, crime, haram act that is carried out then a terrible reply awaits the culprit.

The existence of such an act is prohibited because destruction lurks the perpetrator. Consuming khamr and playing gambling is prohibited because the harm is greater than the benefits (QS. Al-Baqarah: 219). In a drunken state, people can leave the fardlu prayer, commit adultery, and kill, as well as violence in their household.

The gambler, once winning, will be addicted to participate continuously, while the loser remains curious until he wins. How much debt did he get into? Unable to pay debts due to gambling, the family becomes the victim. The community bears the shame of one of its members.

As a result of cursing and criticizing others, he was thrown into Huthamah hell, whose fire burned to his heart so that he was able to feel the pain of a burning heart as the victim felt from his cursing and reproach. Not to mention that it is accompanied by backstage that can eliminate the good rewards while in the world.

A person who deliberately leaves prayer, does not repent, continues to do it because he feels safe, in fact he is under the supervision of Allah and He is able to bring misfortune or reduce a little healthy favors and sustenance by seasoned with the hardships of life during the day, so that he is close to other immorality, as prayer function (Surah Al-Ankabut: 45).

Thus, a Muslim is embarrassed when Allah gives him healthy favors and is rewarded with immorality, is given the blessing of sustenance and gathering with his family is rewarded with immorality, is given ease in work but is rewarded with immorality, either hidden or openly.

May we be given the strength to stay away from immorality, whatever the form of action, and be eager to do good deeds in this world as a form of gratitude to Allah for the blessings given. Allahu a'lam bish shawab.

May be useful!

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