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MILF and Philippine Islamic Fighters Sign Peace Pact

Filipino MILFDDHK News, Philippines -  The Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Frong (MILF) fighters will sign a peace pact Thursday (27/3/2014). That is to end one of the longest and deadliest armed conflicts in Asia. However, both sides warned that much work must be done to secure lasting peace.

After 17 years of negotiations, the leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will sign a peace agreement in exchange for full regional autonomy control.

"Over the years we have led the struggle of the Bangsamoro people and our people have gone through many hardships," said MILF Deputy Chairman Ghazali Jaafar.

“This agreement is very important to us as it means the end of the fighting in Mindanao. "

The MILF has fought for more than four decades for independence or autonomy in the southern region of Mindanao which they consider the homeland of their ancestors.

Tens of thousands of people have died in the conflict, while Mindanao has become one of the poorest and most corrupt regions in the Philippines.

The MILF, which is estimated to have about 10.000 fighters, is the largest remaining Muslim group and has not signed a peace agreement.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino and MILF Chairman Murad Ebrahim will oversee the signing of the peace agreement at a ceremony at the presidential palace in Manila.

The agreement will strengthen the relationship between the two parties as partners in trying to implement a peace agreement.

The MILF will give up their weapons. The autonomous region will comprise about 10 percent of the Philippines with its own police force, a regional parliament and tax-collecting powers. The central government will maintain control over defense.

Nevertheless, the MILF, government and independent observers warn, lasting peace is far from guaranteed with many obstacles to overcome before mid-2016, an important deadline because that's when Aquino will step down. (netnews.com/localhost/project/personal/ddhongkong.org/ddhongkong.org) .*

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