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Copy Al-Quran Oldest Exhibited in London

One of the copies Al-Quran the oldest will be on display at the British Museum next week. Manuscripts copy Al-Quran the oldest on loan from the British Library will be part of the largest Islamic exhibition during 2012. The exhibition is open to the public from 26 January to 15 April 2012.

The exhibition also shows the collection of the first pilgrimage, the pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, 'Hajji: Journey To The Heart Of Islam'. The collection will show how important the Hajj is as part of the Pillars of Islam and the specialty of the city of Mecca as the spiritual center of Muslims.

As reported by the site hillingdontimes.co.uk, a number of objects have been loaned to exhibits from public and private collections in the UK and from around the world. It includes important historical pieces and new contemporary art pieces. Various historical objects which include archaeological material, manuscripts, textiles, historical photos from Saudi Arabia.

The city of Mecca is the spiritual center of Muslims around the world. The place where Prophet Muhammad SAW received the first revelations in the early 7th century. Al-Quran stated, it is a sacred duty for Muslims to travel to Mecca for the well-off at least once in their life. (Hillingdon Times / Republika). *

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