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The existence of Islam in Germany is a debate

The existence of Islam and Muslims in Germany is being debated. Middle EastOnline (7/10) reported that this indicates an increase in Islamophobia or anti-Islamic sentiment.

Islamophobes accuse Islam of being synonymous with terrorism.

Representatives of Germany's four million Muslims welcomed President Christian Wulff's statement on Sunday in a speech celebrating the 3th anniversary of German reunification.

“Christians are of course part of Germany. Judaism is of course part of Germany. This is our Judeo-Christian history…. But now, Islam is also a part of Germany, "said Wulff at the time.

But on the other hand, including members of Chancellor Angela Merkel's party and Wulff's conservative party, were unhappy with the statement. They said the president "allowed Muslims not to integrate into German society".

Merkel stated that German culture "is based on hundreds of years of Judeo-Christian roots, if not thousands" and Islamic values ​​"must conform" to German law. According to him, Muslims must obey German law, not Sharia law.

Merkel also stressed the need for Muslim imams to be trained in Germany.

The issue of Muslim integration has been heated since August, when central bank member, Thilo Sarrazin, said Germany was being "made more stupid" by unproductive, low-educated Muslim immigrants. (Mel / ddhongkong.org).

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