
Relieve Distress for Others

By: Ustadz Talqis Nurdianto [Doctoral Candidate at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia]

WHETHER calamities or life tests are inseparable from us. It is possible that today we are tested with floods, at the same time, in another place, there is a test of forest fires. Maybe today we find peace in worship, but in other countries there are Muslims who find it difficult to carry out their obligations seriously. Thus the tests and calamities of life take turns.

Every one of us will definitely be tested by Allah SWT either, in the form of fear or hunger (QS. Al-Baqarah: 155). In the course of our life too, we have felt various tests. As tragedy befalls our brother, it could be at different times, with the permission of Allah, it can also befall us.

We are reminded by the Messenger of Allah, "Whoever releases the troubles of a Muslim from the troubles of the world, Allah will release his troubles on the Day of Resurrection; Whoever makes it easy for someone who has trouble, Allah will facilitate his affairs in this world and the hereafter; And whoever covers (disgrace) a Muslim, Allah will cover (disgrace) in this world and the Hereafter; And Allah will always help his servant as long as he helps his brother. " (HR. Muslim).

There is a suggestion to us, as the people of Rasulullah SAW, when we are faced with Muslims who are in distress, to try to help alleviate them. It doesn't matter how much material we provide. If fellow Muslims are moved to alleviate the calamity of their siblings, then aid that is considered simple will be of great power and very useful.

For victims of flash floods, landslides, or collapsed houses, clean water, groceries, clothes and medical equipment are needed. Don't ever think that our aid which is only 1 kilogram of rice is useless for victims of a major disaster. But imagine, if there were so many people helping! So it can provide peace to the victim's family, so that they can worship Allah in peace. Likewise, victims of drought, or other life difficulties.

"The parable of the believers in the attitude of loving, loving, and cherishing one another, like the body. If one part of the body is sick, then the other limb will have difficulty sleeping or feel a fever. " (HR. Muslim). The comfort of our sleep is disturbed, when we find out that our siblings have difficulties in life. This is the Mukmin that Rasulullah SAW hoped for.

Among the deeds to make our brothers happy who have been tested by Allah, can be as in the hadith of Rasulullah SAW: "The practice that Allah Ta'ala loves most is that you please a Muslim, or you overcome his difficulties, or you get rid of his hunger, or you pay his debt." (HR. Thabrani).

This practice will knock Allah's grace to love the doer, as in the hadith "Allah loves His merciful servants." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

Help from Allah is the best of help and nothing can stop it. One of the requirements for getting God's help is to help our brothers. Rasulullah SAW said: "And Allah always helps His servant while the servant is willing to help his brother." (HR. Muslim).

With this, let us be part of the believers who help alleviate the difficulties or difficulties faced by our brothers as evidence of faith that is imprinted in the heart, spoken orally, and proven by deeds.

No one helps his brother sincerely unless Allah makes his business easy, both in this world and in the hereafter. Let us race in goodness. Allahu a'lam.

May be useful.

See also:
