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MUI Asks Muslims to Beware of Shiite Sects

* Shia understanding threatens the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia
* This flow is Halalkan Mut'ah Nikah and Khamr

DDHK News, Indonesia - The existence of Shia groups in Indonesia must be watched out for. Apart from deviating from the Islamic creed, this sect has the potential to undermine the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) hopes that Muslims in the country will not fall into this cult.

Syi'ah according to Islamic terminology, has a meaning which states that Ali ibn Abi Talib (a friend of the Prophet Muhammad, ed) is the foremost person among the other companions. Meanwhile, other companions of the prophet such as Abu Bakr As Siddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Uthman bin Affan were considered to be inferior.

This understanding also claims that the one who has the most right to hold the reins of leadership over the Muslims is Ali ibn Abi Talib. Including the generation of children and grandchildren who are always exalted. One of the popular Shia heretical fatwas is to legalize mut'ah marriage and alcoholic drinks (khamr).

Due to the spread of Shia in Indonesia, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) collaborated with the Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Council (DDII). The two institutions carried out socialization related to the fatwa of Shia deviance in Indonesia in the main hall of the Hajj Information Center (PIH) hotel in Batam Center, Riau Islands Province, Sunday (2/2/2014).

Present as speakers from the Central MUI, namely Prof. Dr. Muhammad Baharun SH MH, chairman of the MUI law and legislation commission and Fahmi Salim, a member of the Central MUI study and research commission. The event was moderated by Zaenal Muttaqin from the Indonesian Young Ulema Council (MIUMI) Batam City.

In this socialization, it was conveyed about the threats that would be posed by the Shi'ites, one of which was degradation and heresy. The Shi'ah consider their leaders (imams) to have avoided sin (infallible). Even their priests were considered higher in rank than the prophets and angels.

"They have defied the verse Alquran and disbelieve the companions of the Prophet. Their existence is an ideological threat, namely destroying the Republic of Indonesia. The emergence of the Shi'a destroys the unity of the country and causes the division of Muslims, "said Prof. Dr. Muhammad Baharun SH MH in his presentation, as quoted tribunnews.com (4 / 2).

MUI has issued a fatwa stating that mut'ah and khamr marriages are haram, but for Shia, these two things are justified. Therefore, the Central MUI has published a guidebook on Shia understanding in September 2013 entitled "Recognizing and Beware of Syi'ah Deviation in Indonesia".

This book has been distributed to 500 participants. As stated by the Writing Team in its foreword, this pocket book is intended to be a guideline for Muslims throughout Indonesia. Namely, in order to recognize and be aware of the deviations of the Shi'a groups.

As the official 'bayan' of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), which aims to prevent Muslims from being influenced by Shi'ism and avoid dangers that will disrupt the stability and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. The Central MUI appealed to all Indonesian people to get to know and learn more deeply.

The book also explains the ten criteria for heresy. Indonesia must learn about historical facts that occurred abroad, such as in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon. Because the Shi'ah are able to threaten the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia because this group is under Iran's interests. (tribunnews.com). *

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