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International Environment Day, Dompet Dhuafa Planting 6000 Trees in Bogor

Alms_PohonDDHK News, Indonesia - Commemorating International Environment Day, Dompet Dhuafa held an action to plant 6000 tree seedlings on Thursday (5/6) in Kuta Village, Mega Mendung District, Bogor.

The tree planting consisting of 5.000 mahogany seeds and 1.000 nutmeg seeds is part of the Green Universe Tree Alms program. Dompet Dhuafa. Tree seedlings are planted on 15 hectares of land.

"Insya Allah (this program) will be accepted by our partners with a target that we expect 100 heads of families," said the Manager of Semesta Hijau Dompet Dhuafa Imam Alfaruq.

Imam said, this program is expected to provide useful value economically, for the community in Kuta Village. From the nutmeg tree, the fruit can be processed into food and beverage ingredients such as sweets, syrups, spices and so on.

Meanwhile, for mahogany trees, the fruit and leaves can be used as medicine. In addition, according to him, these two plants are able to withstand landslides and have very shady leaves, so that not only can the crops be empowered, but also the greening of the land.

Imam further explained, later there will be a mentoring program (monitoring) in collaboration with a pesantren and local residents on the Tree Alms program in the village.

"And the most important thing is that this program is to show the Indonesian people that Dompet Dhuafa care for the environment and pesantren also care for the environment, "said Imam.

For Tree Almsgiving itself, so far the number of beneficiaries empowered is approximately 1673 of the 200.000 trees planted throughout Indonesia. Green Universe Dompet Dhuafa have planted trees scattered in several districts, such as Kuningan (West Java), Gorontalo, Baruga (Central Sulawesi), Simeuleu (NAD), Cianjur (West Java), Maros (Sulsel), Bogor (West Java), Sukabumi (West Java), and Batu (East Java). (Dompetdhuafa.org). *

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