
Case Processed, Khaliq, Afik, Mujianto Study Religion at DDHK Shelter


CAUSEWAY BAY | HONG KONG - Three overstayer men from Indonesia who claimed to have been tricked by fake job vacancies: Afik Romadoni, Kholiq, and Mujianto, on Saturday (27/7/2019), returned to Indonesia. While their cases were being processed by the Hong Kong Immigration office, the three of them stayed at the shelter Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), in Causeway Bay.

For about a month at the shelter, the three of them said they were happy and got positive things. “During my stay at the DDHK shelter, I found many positive friends. I also learned the Koran, prayed in congregation, and learned manners, ”said Afik, when met at the DDHK shelter, Sunday (21/7/2019).

Likewise, Mujianto also admitted that he got a lot of goodness while living at the DDHK shelter. "One of them, I, who had never previously lived in a shelter, became accustomed to reciting the Koran and praying in congregation," he said.

The same thing was revealed by Khaliq. While taking care of his case, he was able to participate in religious studies from the asatidz, pray in congregation, and learn more Islamic behavior while at the DDHK shelter.

Unlike Mujianto, who still has hopes of being able to work in Hong Kong legally, Khaliq admits that he is deterred by the fraud case currently involved in him. “I don't think about working in Hong Kong anymore. It's enough just this once and I take lessons from all the times; ah, ”he said.

Like Kholiq, Afik also admits that he's given up. He no longer wants to have any intention of working in Hong Kong. "This is enough of a lesson for me, so that there is no intention of working in Hong Kong anymore," said Afik.

As previously reported, Afik, Mujianto, and Kholiq admitted to being victims of fraudulent job vacancies in Hong Kong. Argued that they would be issued a work visa, instead they were illegally employed in the restaurant.

Before leaving, the three admitted that they were asked to pay Rp35 million per person. The money is used for the cost of making a passport and work visa, purchasing airplane tickets, and other expenses.

In Negeri Beton, they are illegally employed in a restaurant in the Mong Kok area and have an overstayer status. With assistance from the HELP for Domestic Worker agency, they also reported their cases to the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Hong Kong. Then the three of them were escorted to the Hong Kong Immigration office in Kowloon Bay to surrender. [Marlin]

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