
The Law of Menstruating Women Reading the Koran

Question: Can a woman who is menstruating (menstruating) read the Koran?

Answer: The four schools of thought: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hambali agree that it is haram for both a junub person and a woman who is menstruating to recite the verses of the Koran, based on the following arguments:

First, "From Abdillah bin Umar ra that the Messenger of Allah said, 'Women who menstruate or people who are janabah may not read something from the Qur'an'." (HR. Tirmidhi).

Second, "From Ali ibn Abi Talib ra, he said that the Messenger of Allah was not hindered from reading the Koran except in a junub state." (Narrated by Ahmad)

With the exception of this prohibition, that is, if the recitation of the Koran is only voiced in the heart. And also, if the recitation is a prayer or dhikr the pronunciation is taken from the verse of the Koran indirectly (iqtibas).

However, there is also an opinion that allows menstruating women to read the Koran as long as they don't touch the Mushaf and are afraid of forgetting to memorize them if their menstrual period is too long. Also, in reading it is not very much. This opinion was narrated from Imam Malik and also from Ibn Abbas ra, and Said bin Musayyib.

God knows best, bish-shawab. []

Source: Book "Questions and Answers on Daily Fiqh for Muslim Migrant Workers"

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