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Famine Strikes Palestinian and Syrian Refugees

StarvationAWar-Crime-in-YarmoukDDHK News, Syria - Ahead of the third year of the crisis in Syria, a leading international human rights group issued a report Monday (10/3) about the famine afflicting Syrian refugees.

Amnesty International's (AI) Middle East and North Africa Program revealed that war crimes had been committed against Palestinian and Syrian civilians at the Yarmouk camp. They are under a brutal siege by Syrian government forces.

“Life in Yarmouk is increasingly worrying… civilians are desperate. They are starving, ”said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Program Director.

The report highlights the deaths of nearly 200 people since the siege was tightened in July 2013 and access to food and medical supplies.

The report, based on Amnesty International's research, found that 128 refugees died of starvation.

Living in closed camps, at least 60 percent of those remaining in Yarmouk suffer from malnutrition, facing slow death with no food available to them.

"The Syrian troops who committed war crimes used civilian starvation as a weapon of war," said Philip Luther. (mel / onislam.net / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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