
Monday, Indonesia Recorded the World's Highest New Covid-19 Positive Cases and Deaths

DDHk. ORG — On Monday (12/7/2021), Indonesia recorded the highest daily positive cases and new deaths from Covid-19 in the world. Based on Worldmeter data, there were 40.427 additional new cases in the country on Monday.

In comparison, Britain, which came in second, recorded 34.471 new cases. Meanwhile, India, which recently experienced a major spike, recorded 27.404 cases on the same day.

Indonesia also recorded the highest number of deaths with 891 people. In second place is Brazil with 765 inhabitants. While Russia is in third place with 710 people.

This is the second day in a row for Indonesia to record the highest daily Covid-19 death toll in the world. The day before, Sunday (11/7/2021), Indonesia was also listed as the country with the highest additional daily death rate with 1.007 people.

Like a number of other countries, Indonesia is facing a new wave of Covid-19 transmission, which is exacerbated by the spread of the Delta corona variant. Recently, Indonesia also detected several other new corona mutations such as the kappa variant.

The increase in infections in recent weeks has triggered a hospital occupancy rate (BOR) which has reached more than 90 percent in some areas and has added to the increasingly limited burden of health workers.

Some hospitals are even reported to have lacked oxygen cylinders, causing many residents who need them to search independently.

In response to this, apart from implementing Emergency PPKM on the islands of Java and Bali since last July 3, the Indonesian government has also implemented similar policies in 15 other regencies/cities outside Java and Bali, since July 12. [Source: CNN Indonesia] [DDHKNews]

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