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Danish Editor Reprints of Prophet Muhammad Cartoons

Newspaper editor Jylland Posten Danish, Flemming Rose, who in 2005 published a caricature mocking the Prophet Muhammad and angering Muslims around the world, has reprinted the caricature in his new book. Book "Tyranny of Silence" editor Flemming Rose's article was published on Wednesday.

Denmark's Foreign Minister, Lene Espersen, held a meeting Wednesday with 17 ambassadors of Muslim countries to prevent new confrontations.

Foreign Minister Esperson told the Danish parliament on Wednesday that his key message to diplomats was the importance of freedom of speech in Denmark.

Editor Flemming Rose defended his earlier decision to publish caricatures in the Danish daily, Jyllands Postens, as a way of using religious satire to spark debates over freedom of expression. According to him, the caricature is not incitement to violence.

Most Muslims view the depiction of the Prophet Muhammad as an insult. The cartoon controversy in 2005 sparked deadly riots in a number of Muslim communities around the world. (VOA News).

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