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When Hong Kong Migrant Workers Defend Their Pillars of Religion (Prayer)

MT Mir'atus Sholeha 1 bmi hong kong pray bmi hong kong prayDDHK News, Hong Kong - Prayer is the pillar of Islam. So it is fitting for a Muslim to pray. Hong Kong Muslimah BMIs, who are aware of their obligations, do their utmost to pray, as in the photos above which were taken in different places at different times.

A Muslimah BMI performs midday prayers on the blue Mong Kok bridge. Do not care in the middle of people passing by. For him, facing the One who Gives Life must take precedence. While his other friends were busy chatting and having fun, they were even busy on the phone.

A BMI is praying for Asr prayer in the Causeway Bay area, at the entrance to the Victoria Park soccer field.

Prayers in congregation are more complete. For that, an ustadz from the da'i corps Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa) was asked by congregation MT Mir'atus Sholeha Thursday to lead the Maghrib prayer in congregation, in the TST area, in one corner of Kowloon Park.

Prayer is the obligation of every Muslim servant of Allah. There is no reason to leave it. The obligation to pray five is adjusted to the condition of His servants because Allah knows more about everything. (Titie / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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