
Shameless, Part of Faith Lost!

"Shame is part of faith" (Narrated by Muttafaq 'Alaih). "In fact, part of what humans get from the words of the previous prophets is 'If you are not ashamed, then do what you want!'" (Narrated by Bukhari).

Shame is the feeling of not wanting to be looked down on or looked down on by the other person. So, shame is a matter of pride or prestige. Most of all, shame is shame on Allah SWT so that he does not do anything that violates His rules.

Shame on humans must be in the context of shame on Him. So, for example, we should feel ashamed to show our genitals because Allah SWT ordered us to cover them. We should be ashamed if we don't pray, if we are not grateful, we don't worship, etc. because Allah has been very good to us…. Allah knows best. *

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