ArticleParentinghealth tips

Recognize Changes in Teenage Behavior, Mental Problems Need to be Watched

DDHK. ORG - Recognize changes in adolescent behavior from an early age. Their world is very strange indeed. For those who have teenage children, need to be aware if there are changes in suspicious behavior in them. It could be that they are psychologically or mentally disturbed which is marked by behavioral changes.

Reported from, Secretary of the Doctors Association Youth Task Force Children Indonesia Angga Wirahmadi explained, parents need to be aware of changes in their behavior. Changes in behavior can be early signs of problems mental.

“We suspect a child or teenager (having mental problems) if we find one of two things. First, the child behaves or behaves not as usual," he said.

In addition, the second sign that is the beginning of mental problems is starting to show repeated physical complaints but without clear complaints. For example, teenagers claim to have frequent stomach pains but do not have symptoms of an ulcer, often feel their heart pounding and their hands feel cold even though they do not have heart disease or thyroid disorders.

“If we find one of these two things, we have to suspect that there is a mental problem. So we take a mental problem approach," he said.

Parents are advised to conduct a self-assessment of their mental health condition if they feel that their child has mental problems.

Self Assessment for Teenagers

Don't worry, this self-assessment can be done online through an application that can be downloaded for free.

After the screening process was carried out and it was found that they had mental problems, parents and their children could consult online through a platform that provides clinical psychologist services for free.

After that, if it is really needed for further treatment, the parents can take their child to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

“So there are stages because dealing with teenagers is different from teenagers who are confident in going to the doctor. There is shame, fear of being found out, feeling weak, so we try to do it this way so that we can find the best solution,” he added.

If they show physical illness without obvious complaints, parents can also take them to the nearest puskesmas. The Puskesmas has implemented caring health services for children of this age, including mental problems.

"Every teenager aged 10-17 years who comes for treatment with any complaints, even coughs and colds will be evaluated with mental problems because the puskesmas services now have health care services for teenagers," he concluded. [DDHK News]

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