
Parents Reject a Prospective Husband's Application because they are not yet established


Assalamualaikum, Chaplain.

If a man has the desire to propose, while the woman's parents forbid on the grounds that the man's job is not well-established, but the woman sincerely accepts the man, is it a sin if the woman convinces her parents to want to accept the man's proposal?




Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

The family is the smallest institution or unit of society, and the first step in forming this institution is to get married. Therefore, a partner who has mutual consent and has the blessing of both parents is the hope of everyone who wants to get married.

In Islam, the principle of marriage is taysiiruz zawaaj, which makes marriage easier. So if a woman or vice versa already knows her potential partner first, then parents need to be wise to get to know her potential partner better and talk to her child in a good way.

Here, even a child has ahsan (it would be nice) to be open with parents. And discuss to go further to the next level. Don't forget, to pray istkharah ask for good guidance from Allah.

Thus, wallaahu a'lam bish-showâb.


[Answered by: Ustadz H. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim]


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