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DD Scholarship Recipients Take International Presentation in Hong Kong

etoser bogor in hong kongDDHK News, Hong Kong - Three students from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) received ethos scholarships Dompet Dhuafa (DD) attended an international presentation in Hong Kong.

The Microfuce Team consisting of Mujtahid Alfajri, Andri Bagus Arianto, and Nilam Puspa Ruspatti attended a scientific presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Future Bioengineering (ICFB) 26-27 October 2013  at Regal Riverside Hotel, Shatin, Hong Kong.

The three of them passed through a strict selection with other students from various countries. They were selected to represent Indonesia and advance to The 5th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP) 2013.

The ICFB event was held in parallel with a series of other conferences on the big agenda of the 2013 ICGIP. In preparing for this competition, the Microfuce Teamreview lecture and practicum materials provided by IPB lecturers.

ICFB is an annual activity held to bring together innovative academics and industry experts in the field bioengineering future in a discussion forum. The main objective of this conference is to promote research and development activities in the field of future bioengineering.

Ethos at ICBF Hong Kong 23Another objective is to present and promote the exchange of scientific information between researchers, engineers, students and practitioners working at home and abroad. The motivation of the Microfuce team to participate in this conference is to gain experience and scientific publications.

"We are very grateful to parents, Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong, Scholarship Indonesia, YBM BRI, BPZIS Mandiri, and all parties who have realized this positive mission, "they said on their website. Customs of Indonesian Studies.

"Hopefully this scientific conference will be able to trigger an increase in the quality of national research and an acceleration of the capitalization of science which will lead to an increase in economic growth, as well as an increase and even distribution of the welfare of the Indonesian people ..". (mel / beastudiindonesia.net / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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