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Concluding the Muktamar, Vice President Ma'ruf Amien Says NU and Muhammadiyah Special Greetings Alternately

DDHK-ORG – 48th Congress Muhammadiyah on Sunday (20/11/2022) yesterday, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin officially closed this activity in Surakarta, Central Java.

When closing speech In his remarks, there was a moment that caught the attention of the muktamirin who were present at the Surakarta Muhammadiyah University Edutorium, Sunday evening.

Ma'ruf took turns saying the closing sentences typical of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah before closing the greetings.

First, Ma'ruf first conveyed the sentence nashrun minallahi wa fathun qorib Wa bassyiril mu'minin which is commonly used by Muhammadiyah members.

"May Allah SWT always give his guidance and bless all the endeavors that we do. Nashrun minallahi wa fathun qorib Wa bassyiril mu'minin,” said Ma'ruf while pausing for a moment before continuing the next sentence.

Hearing this sentence, the muktamirin suddenly applauded the former Rais Aam, the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU).

Ma'ruf smiled then continued the closing greeting typical of Nahdliyin residents Wallahul Muwaffiq ila Aqwamit Tharieq which then made the congress participants even more boisterous.

"Wallahul Muwaffiq ila Aqwamit Tharieq wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh," he said.

Message from the Vice President at the Congress

In his closing remarks, Ma'ruf also invited Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah to fight with the government to maintain unity and unity. Ma'ruf reminded that currently Indonesia is facing the threat of a multidimensional crisis and is trying to recover from the pandemic.

"Unity is the first and main capital for us to win this battle. Let's take care of it together by always prioritizing ukhuwah Islamiyah, ukhuwah wathaniyah and ukhuwah insaniyah in our social interactions," said Ma'ruf at the Edutorium of the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Sunday evening.

Ma'ruf said, moreover, Indonesia will face general elections in 2024. Ma'ruf emphasized that the 2024 Election should not tear apart the unity and integrity of the nation.

According to him, differences in the choice of parties as well as presidential and vice presidential candidates must be addressed wisely and not divide Indonesian society.

"Like I said, if we have different presidential candidates, different parties, then we say, Your party is your party, your party is my party, your presidential candidate is your presidential candidate. [DDHK News]

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