
About Sacrifice for Yourself and Parents

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

There is a question I would like to ask about the sacrifice.

1. My friend once made a sacrifice on behalf of himself, but he only mentioned his short name (not full name). Do you have to sacrifice again with his full name?
2. What is the ruling on a child who wants to sacrifice for his parents (still alive), whereas in the past he has already sacrificed on behalf of his parents? Can he sacrifice again on behalf of his parents? (the child has already sacrificed for himself)
3. What if a child sacrifices on behalf of his parents, but without informing the parents that his child is sacrificing on his behalf? (his parents are still alive)

Thanks for the answer.


Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you


Sacrifice is a series of worship performed in the month of Dzulhijjah, from the 10th to the 13th. Sacrifice literally means close. That is, the person who sacrifices basically wants to get closer to Allah Subhanãhu wa Ta'ala by slaughtering four-legged cattle (bahimatul an'am).

Even the Prophet sallallãhu 'alaihi wasallam threatened people who were able but reluctant to sacrifice through his words:

مَن كان له سَعَةٌ ولم يُضَحِّ ، فلا يَقْرَبَنَّ مُصَلَّانا (رواه أحمد وأبو داود)

"Whoever has extensive (wealth) and does not sacrifice, then let him not approach our place of prayer." (Reported by Ahmad & Abu Dawud)

The sacrifice must be a four-legged animal (bahimatul an'am), namely a camel, cow, buffalo, goat or sheep. One camel, cow or buffalo can be used for seven people. Meanwhile, one goat or sheep is only for one person.

Jabir bin 'Abdullah radliyallãhu 'anhu once said:

كنا نتمتع مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بالعمرة ، فنذبا

"We once participated in hajj tamattu' (prioritizing umrah over hajj) with Rasulullah shallallãhu'alaihiwasallam, then we slaughtered cows from the joint venture of seven people." (Muslim HR)

The law of the original sacrifice of a goat or sheep can only be for one person. But Imam Malik allows for many people such as family members. On the other hand, Imam Abu Hanifah considered that it was makruh.

Among the arguments that allow a goat or sheep for many people is as narrated from Aisyah radliyallãhu 'anha seeing Rasulullah shallallãhu 'alaihi wasallam when he was about to slaughter a sacrificial animal in the form of a goat, he prayed:

باسم الله اللهم تقبل من محمد وآل محمد ومن أمة محمد ثم ضحى به. (رواه مسلم)

“In the name of Allah, O Allah, accept (this) from Muhammad, Muhammad's family and Muhammad's people. Then he slaughtered it." (Muslim HR)

Is it legal to sacrifice one's self but only mention one's short name?

If someone is making a sacrifice and then he only mentions his short name without his full name, there is nothing wrong with that. Be assured that Allah Subhanãhu wa Ta'ala knows the intentions of a servant. The most important thing is to keep the sincerity of the heart from the sacrifice.

Then is it permissible to sacrifice many times for parents even though he is still alive?

It is permissible to sacrifice on behalf of parents even though he is still alive because that is a form of birrul walidain (filial piety to both parents). The child will also get the reward from it. Or, it could be that he intends to sacrifice for himself or all members of his family, including his parents.

Does sacrificing for parents have to tell him?

If the parents are still alive, then it would be nice to be informed, because if it turns out that the parents also want to sacrifice themselves, then of course it would be wiser if the sacrifice was intended for someone so that all of them could get blessings and an abundance of great rewards. Although actually the holiness of children is also a reward investment for both parents.

Wallahu a'lam.

Hope it works!

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

(Answered by Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH)

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