NewsHong Kong

The Consulate General and the Government of Hong Kong Collaborate on Mass Vaccination of Indonesian Migrant Workers

DDHK.ORG - Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Government, represented by the Center for Health Protection Hong Kong (CHP), Sunday (1/8/2021), collaborated to provide injections of the COVID-19 vaccine for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI). A total of 266 Indonesian migrant workers participated in the activities carried out at one of the hotels in Causeway Bay.

The Indonesian Consulate General, through his official Facebook page, emphasized that this collaboration initiative was carried out to protect PMI from the threat of the Covid-19 Virus. This is in line with the encouragement of the Indonesian government, that by participating in the vaccination program, one can maintain personal and environmental health, as well as break the chain of the spread of COVID-19.

"Health is an asset that we need to take care of, especially when working and working overseas, so it is important for all PMIs in Hong Kong to get vaccines," said Consul General Ricky Suhendar.

Consul General Ricky also conveyed to the Labor Department to urge employers to provide adequate rest time for their workers after receiving the vaccine. The activity which was carried out in the framework of the Outreach Vaccination Program was attended by several high-ranking Hong Kong officials. Among them, the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr. Patrick Nip Tak-kuen, JP and Dr LAW Chi-kwong, Secretary for Labor and Welfare.

Together with Consul General Ricky, the two Hong Kong officials toured Victoria Park, inviting Indonesians and other ethnic minorities to get vaccinated. According to the official website of the Hong Kong Government,, Mr Nip said many Indonesians working in Hong Kong may need to care for young children or the elderly at their employer's residence. If they are not vaccinated, it will help build a protective barrier within the family.

He also appealed to Indonesian migrant workers who received vaccinations in the Outreach Vaccination Program to tell their friends about the benefits of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as maintain personal hygiene and always maintain social distance.

Meanwhile Dr Law noted that to date more than 219.000 foreign domestic workers have taken the first dose of vaccination. That equates to nearly 58 percent of the foreign domestic worker population in Hong Kong.

He urged all foreign workers in Hong Kong to receive vaccinations as soon as possible to protect themselves, their employers' families and others. He emphasized that vaccination would also provide better protection when migrant workers had to return to their home country on leave. [DDHKNews]

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