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In 2017 the government stopped sending domestic workers

The Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (Kemenakertrans) targets that in 2017 it will stop sending Indonesian Workers (TKI) in the sector domestic workers overseas. This has been stated in the 2017 Domestic Worker Roadmap which is currently being prepared.

Minister of Manpower and Transmigration (Minister of Manpower and Transmigration) Muhaimin Iskandar said this plan was part of an effort to improve the quality of work competencies of Indonesian people who want to work abroad. Therefore, the initial step is to send TKI to Malaysia as soon as possible in March 2012 and become a pilot project.

"In this domestic worker roadmap 2017, we are targeting the sending of domestic workers who work as domestic workers to reach zero (no deliveries)," said Muhaimin at the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (4/1 ).

In terms of numbers, the effort to stop the placement of domestic worker workers, Muhaimin admitted, feels heavy. However, according to him this must still be done. Later, domestic workers who will be sent overseas must be placed in a clear position such as a cook, “housekeeping” or a special needs nurse (caregiver).

Muhaimin said, until now the total market demand for domestic workers, especially for domestic workers (PLRT) is relatively high and is dominated by primary school graduates, whose numbers still reach or 45 percent of the total 119 million people in the workforce.

"Currently, there are around 650 thousand domestic workers who are sent each year. Even if they are forced to work in the domestic sector, their position must be clear and must be recognized by the country of placement concerned. There must be work recognition based on position and profession from the requesting placement country, ”said Muhaimin.

Muhaimin further explained, in the roadmap, there are several stages of preparation to achieve the target in 2017. One of them is increasing the capacity of prospective workers, namely in various pockets of TKI. In addition, the government will also increase the capacity of competencies and skills, especially in the industrial sectors and the creative economy.

"The government will establish a link and match between the business world and graduates of these alternative schools. It is necessary to align the formal education capacity of prospective migrant workers, from elementary to high school, "he added. (JPPN.com). *

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