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French Muslims Sues Insulting Magazine Al-Quran

French Muslims Sue Anti-Prophet MagazineDDHK News, France - A French Muslim legal organization sues the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, after publishing cartoons that insult the Qur'an.

"We knew beforehand that the court would not act if there was an insult to Islam," said Samim Bolaky, a lawyer practicing in Paris and the Judicial Secretary General of the Muslim Defense League (LDJM).

French law only regulates cases for Catholics, Reformed Churches, Lutherans, and Jews.

The Muslim side will complain to the judge and demand the same rights as other people.

The case filed by LDJM regarding the cartoon entitled "The Qur'an is nonsense, it does not stop the bullet" LDJM also sued Charlie Hebdo for "provocation and incitement to hatred on the basis of religion."

Charlie Hebdo has a reputation as a provocative medium, especially towards Muslims.

In September 2012, this majala published a cartoon of a man who was said to be a prophet naked. The cartoon comes amid turmoil in the Muslim world over an American-made film slandering the Prophet Muhammad.

The Muslim world through the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) pressured the United Nations to adopt an international agreement that prohibits defamation of religion. (mel / onislam.net / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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