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Ustadz SDSB DDHK Contents the Saturday-Shatin Recitation of the Jama'ah

There are three levels of meaning sincerity. First, worship because they obey His commands and are afraid of His threats. Second, hope for a reward in the form of His heaven. Third, an expression of gratitude for the blessings of Allah SWT.

The third ikhlas is the highest level, as exemplified by Rasulallah SAW. He performs all worship, even though he has been guaranteed to be elevated, guaranteed to enter heaven, discarded all badness, and forgiven his sins by Allah SWT.

This was explained by Ustadz Sigit Yulianta - Team One Da'i Thousand Blessings (SDSB) Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) - in his tausiyah in front of hundreds of Jama'ah Saturday-Shatin (JSS) at Shatin Park, Monday (2/1). The recitation begins with the Dhuhur ba'da, filled with prayers, dzikir, and qasidah from the committee and invited Muslim organizations.

Ustadz Sigit also explained many aspects of religious knowledge, including the meaning of faith and how we are not constrained by time, because basically time is not a problem, but what good deeds we have carried out.

"It could be at the same place and time, but we do different charities. For example, when on vacation, some people fill it with worship, but the person next to it does something bad, ”he explained.

Tausiyah was closed with a question and answer session, then prayer together and Asr prayer in congregation.

"We request to DDHK to be pleased to fill this tausiyah. Alhamdulillah, it was possible. Our goal, apart from introducing the Jama'ah Saturday-Shatin (JSS), is also to be able to fill this holiday with useful things, "said the Chairman of JSS, Emi.

"Earlier we took the MTR, then the bus from Hung Hom, quite far and not Once you know the area here, fortunately the Ustadz is used to it, yes for the sake of preaching, "said Nur, one of the DDHK volunteers who accompanied Ustadz Sigit. (Anita Sri Rahayu / ddhongkong.org). *

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