
Try this, how to deal with neck pain due to wrong sleeping position

DDHK. ORG - Wrong sleeping position can make neck pain. Everyone must have experienced and felt this. Not only in Indonesia even world. Yes, neck pain due to wrong sleeping position. And it is very uncomfortable when doing daily activities.

Reporting from Kompas, the wrong sleeping position can affect health. One of the results is neck pain.

Problem health this can cause pain, especially when the neck is used for activities such as turning or moving.

Based on Healthline, most of the causes of neck pain really come from the wrong sleeping position or using the wrong pillow. Apart from that, waking up with neck pain can also be caused by poor posture throughout the day, injury, or sudden movements that make the muscles tense.

So that the feeling of comfort doesn't constantly interfere with daily activities, get to know the various ways to deal with neck pain due to wrong sleep.

There are several ways you can do to reduce neck pain due to wrong sleeping position. Let's listen.

Cold Compress or Hot Therapy

Cold or hot compresses can be a natural neck pain remedy that you can try.

How to get rid of neck pain with cold compresses can be by applying ice cubes wrapped in a towel to the sore neck. Pain and tension in the neck may be reduced after exposure to cold temperatures for 10-20 minutes.

In addition to cold temperatures, heat therapy by taking a warm bath or using a heating pad can also help reduce neck pain.

Heat therapy can treat neck pain due to wrong sleep by relaxing tense neck muscles.

Stretch or Gentle Massage

If the neck pain has lessened a bit, do light stretches focusing on the neck muscles. The goal is to increase muscle flexibility without triggering excessive pain.

In addition, people who feel neck pain due to wrong sleeping positions can also gently massage the uncomfortable area. Before massaging around the neck area, make sure the part of the body to be massaged is not painful and the massage does not add to the pain.

Neck Rest

If neck pain due to wrong sleeping position or wrong pillow feels very painful or hot, it's a good idea for the patient to rest his neck for a while. Avoid all forms of movement that can increase neck pain and don't do strenuous activities for a while.

It should be noted, how to deal with neck pain due to wrong sleeping position which at first glance looks simple is quite effective, as long as it is balanced with light activities such as walking or moving that does not burden the neck muscles.

Too much lying down or resting can make the neck muscles stiffer and the pain just won't go away.

Take Painkillers

If neck pain feels so unbearable that it limits body movement, it's time to take pain relievers. Some painkiller options include ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen.

If the various ways to deal with neck pain due to waking up above have been tried but the pain does not go away, don't hesitate to consult a doctor.

Sometimes the home-style treatments above only work in a matter of days or only recover after a week. [DDHK News]


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