
Train Your Children to Manage Money and Be Responsible

CAUSEWAY BAY | HONG KONG - Financial planning training entitled Workshop on Financial and Empowerment Education, which was held by Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) Together with Enrich, Sunday (4/8/2019), at the DDHK office in Causeway Bay, we entered the seventh meeting. At the last meeting discussed material on "Money and Family".

Miss Agrina, a speaker from Enrich, taught the trainees how to improve their relationship with money and family. He also warned the participants, who are all Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Hong Kong, to pay attention to their behavior in front of their families, especially children, regarding money.

"Always saying 'yes' to gifts that are material in nature will teach your children that money is endless and will make them more vulnerable to money management when they grow up," said Miss Agrina.

What's worse, children will also interpret that affection can only be shown by objects that are material. “Don't let your child get lost with money. Instead, teach them by getting them to practice managing money and being responsible as they get older, ”he said.

Miss Agrina reminded PMI that teaching children good habits and a framework of values ​​is their main role as parents. Whether related to food, safety, cleanliness, social interactions, and also money.

“Put money in a parenting perspective. As parents, we should support and encourage our children to make good decisions in life and understand the consequences or consequences. Remember! Money is a tool to help our lives, not as a goal, ”said Miss Agrina.

He also conveyed several principles related to money. Namely, don't spend next month's salary before getting it, always pay bills on time, and think twice before borrowing money. Another principle that Miss Agrina conveyed, was to make plans for the future, save for things from old age and old age, and don't forget to do charity. [Marlin]

PAUD Teacher Training and Management

"Next month I will go home and practice in my hometown"

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