
The Law of Praying for Non-Muslims


Assalamualaikum, Chaplain.

Ustadz, I want to ask a question. What is the view of Islamic law, if we, as Muslims, pray for Christians? Is prayer hindered by religious differences?

Please enlightenment. Thank you in advance. Sorry, because I am still new to religious knowledge.




Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Praying for unbelievers, polytheists, or non-Muslims, there are 3 laws:

First, pray for world affairs, such as health, wealth and children, and a long life. In this case it is allowed.

It is said that there was a Jewish man who came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and said: "Pray for me". Rasulullah also prayed:

“أَكْثَرَ اللَّهُ مَالَكَ ، وَوَلَدَكَ ، وَأَصَحَّ جِسْمَكَ ، وَأَطَالَ عُمُرَكَ”. (رواه ابن أبي شيبة)

"May Allah increase your wealth, your child, nourish your body, and prolong your life" (Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah)

Second, pray that they will receive guidance. This is the best prayer for them.

It is said that the Messenger of Allah had asked Allah SWT to strengthen Islam by converting to Islam by one of the two men, namely Umar bin Khattab or Amru bin Hisyam (Abu Jahl), while praying:

اللهم أعز الإسلام بأحب هذين الرجلين إليك بأبي جهل أو بعمر بن الخطاب, فكان أحبهما إلى الله عمر بن الخطاب. (رواه أحمد)

"O Allah, glorify Islam with one of the men whom You love more, namely Umar bin Khattab or Amru bin Hisham (Abu Jahl), then the person whom Allah loves more is Umar bin Khattab. (HR Ahmad)

Third, pray with abundance of mercy and forgiveness from Allah for them. In this case there are 2 circumstances:

  1. It is possible, as long as they are still alive, with the hope that they will receive the guidance of Islam so that their past sins will be forgiven because of their kufr and shirk.
  2. No, if they have passed away.

Allah SWT said:

ما كان للنبی وٱلذین ءامنوا أن یستغفروا للمشركین ولو كانوا أولی قربى من بعد ما تبین لهم أنهم أصحب ٱلجحیم

{سورة التوبة: }

"It is not proper for the Prophet and the believers to ask forgiveness (of Allah) for the polytheists, even though they are (his) relatives, after it is clear to them that the polytheists are the inhabitants of hell." [Surah At-Taubah: 113]

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH

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