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The Law of Committing Small Sins Continuously

prayeraaHow can I commit a small sin tru mneruz ..? And how do you get Nasuha repentance ..? Mhon explanation ..

ANSWER: Small sins that are done repeatedly or continuously, then become big sins. The big mountain consists of small pebbles. Likewise, big sins can be caused by small sins.

Rasulullah SAW said, "When a believer commits a sin, that sin becomes a black stain on his heart. If he regrets it (begs forgiveness), the stain will disappear. If he does not repent of that act, the stain will get bigger and bigger so that it covers his whole heart. "

Al-Fudhail bin 'Iyadh said: "Every time you consider a sin to be small, it will grow up in the sight of Allah Ta'ala. On the other hand, every time you consider a sin to be big, it will become small in the sight of Allah Ta'ala. " Al-Auza'i said: "It is stated that which is a major sin is someone who commits a sin, then he belittles it".

How to get repentance nasuha, among others, istighfar, earnestly beg for forgiveness, regret, and do not repeat.

Repentance means returning to Allah. Repentance nasuha means repentance that is pure and has the highest rank before Allah. "O you who believe, repent to Allah with repentance that is pure ..." (Surah At-Tahrim: 66).

Rasulullah Saw was once asked by a friend, "Is repentance repentance?", "Yes," replied the Prophet (HR. Ibn Majah). Allah knows best. *

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