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Saturday JRQ Assembly Yuen Long Holds Dhikr and Prayers to Reject Corona Virus

YUEN LONG | HONG KONG - The Assembly of Jama'ah Roudlotul Qolbiyah (JRQ) Yuen Long, Saturday (8/2/2020), held a joint event and prayers to reject the Corona virus in the field in front of the Srikandi Shop. Dhikr and prayers are led by Dai Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong, Ustadz Abdul Razak.

"Through this dhikr and prayer together, we ask Allah to protect us in Hong Kong and our families in Indonesia so that we can avoid the outbreak of the Corona virus which is currently endemic," said Ustadz Razak.

"We also pray that Allah will save our employers, our friends and our neighbors in Hong Kong from the threat of the Coronavirus outbreak," he said.

The activity which was held in conjunction with the regular recitation program of the JRQ assembly on Saturday Yuen Long was attended by dozens of Indonesian migrant workers who had a day off on that day. They look solemnly following dhikr and prayers together.

3 Best Deposits

After the dhikr and prayer together, Ustadz Razak delivered a tausiyah about 3 cases which are the best possible assets saved. Namely, oral always dhikr to Allah Ta'ala, a grateful heart, and a shalihah wife.

He then conveyed the hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam, which was narrated by Imam Tirmidhi, "The best treasure is oral dhikr, a grateful heart and a mu'minah wife who helps her faith (husband)."


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