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The Governor of New Jersey Appoints Muslim as Candidate Candidate

DDHK News - The Governor of the State of New Jersey, United States, Chris Christie, is nominating a Muslim among his seven nominations for the nomination of a High Court judge. The would-be judge is a lawyer, Sohail Mohammed, who represents many of the detainees the US government hunted in large numbers in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

The lawyer from Clifton worked after the 9/11 attacks and is trying to foster a climate of trust between Muslim Americans and law enforcement, especially federal officials. Mohammed, 47, is currently a member of the United Muslim American Council.

Governor Cristie is the guest of the annual Ramadan dinner. The former prosecutor in his remarks praised Mohammed's efforts.

Mohammed was once asked to provide training sessions for FBI agents on Islamic and Muslim culture.

Mohammed, if passed, will be the second Muslim judge from the High Court in New Jersey. Last year, another Muslim - Hani Mawla - was passed as a judge in Somerset County. (ppt / nyt / nj / sm). *

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