
Papaya Seeds are Beneficial for Health and Beauty

Most people enjoy papaya in the form of fruit, leaves and flowers to eat. It turns out, papaya seeds also have a ton of benefits for health and beauty, you know! Papaya is known as a fruit that has lots of nutrients. Quoting WebMD, papaya is packed with nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E. Meanwhile, papaya seeds contain many polyphenols and flavonoids which help to improve health. This is because these two compounds can act as antioxidants in the body. Citing various sources, here are a number of benefits of papaya seeds for health and beauty, as reported by CNN Indonesia. First, it protects kidney function. The kidneys play an important role in the body as a 'wasting machine'... READ MORE

Take advantage of Lemongrass Oil to Relieve Pain and Stress

Lemongrass is often used in various dishes. Not a few also use lemongrass leaves as a drink and are usually mixed with tea or ginger stew. In addition, lemongrass can also produce oil. Lemongrass oil has a myriad of health benefits. Citronella oil comes from the extracted leaves and stems of citronella. Launching CNN Indonesia from Healthline, citronella oil has been used to treat digestive problems and high blood pressure. Lemongrass oil is classified as an essential oil, and is often used as aromatherapy to help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Among the benefits of citronella oil, it can relieve headaches and migraines. Researchers in Australia believe ... READ MORE

Laughing and Moving Can Lower Cholesterol

DDHK.ORG – High levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of various diseases. One of them is heart disease. But you need to worry because high cholesterol can still be lowered to normal limits. Then, how to quickly lower cholesterol? There are several quick ways to lower cholesterol that you can do every day. You can lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDl (good cholesterol). Quoting from CNN Indonesia, there are several quick ways to lower bad cholesterol that you can do every day. One of them is moving. "It can be a leisurely walk or moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes every day is enough to lower bad cholesterol in your body," wrote CNN. READ MORE

Clean the intestines with these 5 easy ways

DDHK.ORG – Cleansing the colon is important because it can help improve health so that we avoid digestive problems, such as constipation. The large intestine must also be cleaned to keep the body healthy. The intestine is an important part of the body. If it is too dirty, the toxins from food will not be able to get out properly. This is certainly dangerous because it can affect the health of other body organs. There are several ways to clean the colon that can be done easily at home. This method also does not require special drugs or therapy. Here are some ways that we can do to clean the intestines naturally and simply. First, drink juice. ... READ MORE

Benefits of Green Coconut Water, Keep Immune to Healthy Heart

DDHK.ORG – There are many types of coconuts. One of them, green coconut. Not only quenching thirst, green coconut water brings the following benefits. First, help maintain immunity. Green coconut water contains 90 percent water with mineral components. Green coconut water also contains antioxidants and amino acids that can help increase antibody levels. This antioxidant role is carried out by vitamin C. However, it is recommended not to consume green coconut water along with certain medications. The mineral content in green coconut water is feared to trigger a reaction when meeting the drug. Second, meet the body's nutritional needs. As reported by Healthline, green coconut water contains carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium... READ MORE

Lazy to move, drink a lot of coffee, lack of sleep, bad habits during menstruation

DDHK.ORG – There are still many women who have bad habits during menstruation. In fact, these habits can cause new problems. Usually, women believe this habit can melt the disturbed mood during menstruation. However, if you want your period to feel comfortable, you need to avoid the following habits. First, rarely change sanitary napkins. Wearing the same pads for too long can trigger the growth of bacteria in the intimate area. Citing various sources, in certain cases, bacteria in sanitary napkins can cause TSS (toxic shock syndrome), which is an infection that can be life threatening. Not often changing pads will also cause unpleasant odors in the female area. Because of ... READ MORE

Easy To Do, Routinely Walk 10-30 Minutes a Day

DDHK.ORG – Walking is the easiest exercise. Besides being simple, free, it is also healthy. Regular walking can help you lose weight slowly. The question is, how long can a healthy walk be done every day? When referring to Better Health, we are recommended to walk 30 minutes a day. While launching the NHS, we actually don't need hours to walk. For a brisk walk, we only need 10 minutes every day. This equates to the recommended weekly 150 minutes of exercise. However, to note, do the activity on foot gradually. Increase our walking distance and time gradually. We must also... READ MORE

Prevent Tartar in this Way

DDHK.ORG – The presence of tartar must be very annoying. Starting from disturbing appearance, to make a toothache. Hence, many people are looking for ways to get rid of it. Actually, what is tartar? Tartar is the accumulation of plaque and minerals from saliva that hardens and creates a new, blanket-like layer on the teeth. Usually, tartar is yellow, brown, to black and settles behind or between teeth. Tartar is also often the cause of various problems, such as bad breath, bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, and cavities that must be removed. The most effective way to remove tartar is by scaling or scaling. READ MORE

Cavities Can Trigger Heart Disease

DDHK.ORG – Be careful, because cavities are not a trivial problem. This condition can even trigger heart disease. The reason is the large number of blood vessels around the teeth. "There are also those in the roots of the teeth [blood vessels] that are directly related to the heart," said dental and oral health expert Rahmanto Budi from RSJPD Harapan Kita, in an online broadcast of Heart Disease Due to Cavities on the Instagram account @radiokesehat, as reported by CNN Indonesia. . Cavities are a source of bacterial infection. “If there is an infection in the teeth, our heart can also have problems. There are bacteria that enter the bloodstream," he said. Bacteria are one of the main causes of heart disease that... READ MORE

3 Ways to Clean a Dishwashing Sponge

DDHK.ORG — Sponges used to wash dishes are certainly full of germs. Preferably, it should be cleaned frequently. For maximum results and stay safe when used, dishwashing sponges need to be cleaned every week. If it looks worn, the sponge should be thrown away. Reported by CNN Indonesia, here are three ways to clean dishwashing sponges so that they are free from germs. First, use bleach and water. In some tests, the bleach solution was effective at killing 99,9 percent of bacteria from sponges. Here's how, launches Good Housekeeping: Mix 180 milliliters of bleach and 4 liters of water. Soak the sponge in the mixture for five minutes. Remove and rinse the sponge until clean. Second, use the microwave. ... READ MORE