
Risks of playing HP while lying down, Beware!

DDHK.ORG - Playing cellphones while lying down is a common thing that can be found a lot. But it turns out, playing HP while lying down even for hours, has risks. Reporting from Republika, several studies over the past few years have warned about the harmful effects of using smartphones or smart phones on various aspects of health. Excessive cell phone use can affect sleep quality, affect memory and study skills. This has ended up being a cause for concern in today's age when kids are glued to screens all the time. Bad posture when using a cell phone can also cause a number of problems. Consistent forward neck posture can cause injury to spinal structures... READ MORE

Dealing with Children Who Like Gadgets

DDHK.ORG - It's not uncommon to see children, babies and toddlers not separated from devices or gadgets. Based on Huawei smartphone brand research data in 2022, around 87% of parents in Indonesia have given electronic devices to their children since they were young. Most of the children have been using this gadget since they were 5 to 8 years old. This fact was stated by Patrick Ru, Country Head of Huawei Device Indonesia when holding a Zoom press conference on the HUAWEI MatePad SE Kids Edition, 17 February. Reporting from the Parenting page, it is undeniable, gadgets are now seen as a tool for learning, in addition to other features that children enjoy... READ MORE

What Age Should Sleep Training for Infants Be?

DDHK.ORG - As you know, sleep training or sleep training for babies can make them sleep independently and go back to sleep again when they wake up in the middle of the night. At what age should this behavior be treated in infants? Reporting from Kompas, babies who have entered the age of four months can be taught to sleep alone. However, some parents do sleep training when the baby enters the age of 9 months. Answering the question of what age should sleep training be for babies, according to the Cleveland Clinic, this sleep training can be done from the time the baby enters the age of 4 months. At this age, the baby has entered the age to be able to learn to calm himself... READ MORE

Month of Ramadan Momentum to Educate the Family

DDHK.ORG - Ramadan can be used as a momentum in educating families. One of the practices that can be done during Ramadan is educating the family to be more obedient to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Republika quotes from the book Notes on the Benefits of Knowledge in the Month of Ramadan by Abu Ubaidah Yusuf bin Mukhtar As Sidawi, Ramadan is a great moment to educate and guide our families to worship Allah. عَنْ عَائِشَةَ – رضى الله عنها – قَالَتْ كَانَ النَّبِىُّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – إِذَا دَخَلَ الْعَشْرُ شَدَّ مِئْزَرَهُ ، وَأَحْيَا لَيْلَهُ Adalah Nabi apabila memasuki sepuluh akhir bulan Romadhan beliau bersungguh-sungguh ibadah, menghidupkan malam ... READ MORE

Child-Friendly Ramadan, What's It Like?

DDHK.ORG - Children are an important part when Ramadan arrives. Ramadan is a month full of wisdom. Not only for adults, but for children. This is the time to know that Ramadan is a child-friendly month. According to Republika, the month of Ramadan is the right time to show children how extraordinary Islamic teachings are. According to, some of the tips below might be useful to introduce Ramadan to children. child. First, get the children to decorate their homes during Ramadan. Second, educate children about the meaning and purpose of Ramadan. Third, involve children in preparing iftar and sahur. Fourth, spend more time with children during Ramadan. Fifth, ask the children ... READ MORE

Life-Threatening Complications of Obesity in Children

DDHK.ORG - Obesity can affect all ages, including children. So this condition should be of concern to parents because it can trigger various complications. Obesity in children is diagnosed through weighing, measuring length or height, then calculating the body mass index. Reporting from Kompas, children who are overweight are generally characterized by the following conditions: Round head, Chubby cheeks Double chin, Short-looking neck, Black spots on the back of the neck, Distended stomach and folds appear. Being overweight in children is not a condition that can be taken lightly. The reason is, your little one can experience complications that endanger overall health. Check out the following explanation... READ MORE

There are more and more cases of problem children, it's important for parents to learn about parenting

DDHK.ORG - There are more and more cases of problem children sticking out at the moment. Finally, there are suicides committed by elementary school children because they are always bullied because they do not have a father. Not to mention, cases of children with social problems and those in conflict with the law are also increasingly prevalent. In addition to bullying cases where orphans hanged themselves, there are also cases of abuse against friends which have fatal consequences. Reporting from Republika, a teacher at SD Negeri Jetisharjo Sleman, DI Yogyakarta, Khoiry Nuria Widyaningrum, reminded the importance of the role of parents in raising children. Khoiry assesses family parenting to be an important factor in the formation of a child's character because children ... READ MORE

Parents Must Know Obesity in Children

DDHK.ORG - Obesity in children is not something to be proud of. Fat is not necessarily healthy. Reporting from Kompas, obesity in children can be a serious long-term disease, which parents must anticipate. According to the Mayo Clinic, obesity in children can cause a number of diseases, such as: diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, and depression. Referring to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, children with this condition tend to experience an increase in blood pressure which affects heart rate. About 20-30 percent of obese children suffer from hypertension. Obesity in children refers to body mass index (BMI/BMI), a guideline for weight in relation to height. As explained... READ MORE

Educating Children in the style of the Prophet

DDHK.ORG - The Messenger of Allah is a role model for mankind. From various aspects of life, there are many things that can be emulated. No exception in educating children. Children are a gift as well as a deposit from Allah SWT given to parents. Giving affection, educating, and always praying, is something that parents always give to children. Wrong parenting can affect the child's mental. Therefore, parents need to know Islamic parenting patterns according to the teachings of Rasulullah SAW. That way, the child will become a person who has good character. Here's how to educate children in an Islamic way as reported by Muslim Scholars: Teaching Tauhid Wrong ... READ MORE

Recognize the Right Type of Parenting

DDHK.ORG - Parenting or parenting style for children includes meeting physical needs, namely food and drink, and also meeting psychological needs, namely affection, a sense of security, and socializing with the surrounding community so that children can live in harmony with their environment. Every parent is obliged to care for and love their child. A child really needs guidance and direction from every parent starting from still in the womb until the child understands the meaning of life. It should be noted that children are unique individuals who have their own existence and soul, and have the right to grow and develop optimally according to their own unique rhythm. Time... READ MORE