ArticleUstadz's profile

Ustadzah's Profile: Qurroh Ayuniyyah

DDHK.ORG - Qurroh Ayuniyyah who is familiarly called Qorry received his bachelor, master and Ph.D degrees from the Department of Economics of IPB University (S1) and International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM for S2 and S3) in 2010, 2013 and 2019.

He was awarded the "Best Undergraduate Graduate at the University of IPB", "Best Student Award for Master of Economics IIUM" and "Best Student Award for PhD in Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences IIUM" at the time of graduation in the three years.

The wife of Hambari is currently the Secretary of the Master of Sharia Economics Study Program at the Ibn Khaldun University Postgraduate School, Bogor since June 22, 2020 as well as being a lecturer there. In addition to being a lecturer assistant and research assistant while studying at IPB and IIUM, the woman who was born on February 27, 1988 is also actively writing and presenting her papers in the fields of zakat, waqf, sharia economics and finance at various conferences both at national and international levels.

Currently, Prof. daughter. Dr. KH Didin Hafidhuddin This is entrusted as the General Chair of the Indonesian Muslimah Communication Forum in Malaysia for the period 2018-2020, an Indonesian Muslimah organization in Malaysia that is engaged in education, religion and social affairs.

To interact with Qorry, you can email

[DDHK News]

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