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Online Study: The Most Successful Age of the Prophet of Islamic Politics

DDHK News, Hong Kong - Who said that Islam should not be confused with politics? In the era of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic politics was the most successful. Rasullah did political trade for economic progress for his people and carried out peace politics with other countries.

This was stated by Ustadzah Vira (da'iyah Cordofa DDHK) in the online study of Ullil Albab DDHK, Tuesday (19/3). "The Prophet also continued to lead and let the disbelievers under his leadership, provided they did not fight against Muslims and pay taxes for the state," he explained.

He emphasized, Muslims must have a big share in politics as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. "Don't let the infidels rule over the Muslims. Just because we (Muslims) don't care about politics. "

"Muslims must be in control of politics. The more corrupt human morality today is because Islam is getting away from the midst of Indonesian society. "(Titiew / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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