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Online Study: Understanding the Meaning of Surah Al-Ma'un

HONG KONG - Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK), Tuesday (3/3/2020) night again held a religious study which was routinely carried out online. The activity, which started at 10 pm, was attended by volunteers, Package Class students, and Al-Qur'an Clinic Class participants.

In this online study, Dai Cordofa DDHK, Ustadz Arip Darmawan, as resource persons, conveyed the meaning contained in surah Al-Ma'un. "Surah Al-Ma'un is the 107th chapter of the Qur'an and is included in the Makkiyah chapter, which is the surah that was revealed when the Prophet Muhammad was in Mecca," said Ustadz Arip.

"Based on the asbabun-nuzul, or the reason for the decline, because at that time many hypocrites liked to show their worship, but they were reluctant to provide assistance to the poor, orphans, and people who needed help," said Ustadz Arip.

This surah is called Al-Ma'un, taken from the last verse. Ustadz Arip also invited the online study congregation to understand the meaning contained in surah Al-Ma'un. Both the express and implied meaning.

Namely, 1) "Do you know (people) who deny religion?" 2) "So that is the person who rebukes the orphans", 3) "And does not encourage feeding the poor". 4) "So woe to those who pray". 5) "(Namely) people who are negligent in their prayers, people who do not appreciate and neglect the implementation and times of prayer". 6) "Who do riya".

Ustadz Arip explained, riya is doing an act that is not intended to seek the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. Rather, to seek praise or fame in society.

7) "And reluctant (to provide assistance)". Namely, not wanting to give zakat, giving donations, giving alms, and helping people in need.

"Hopefully we will avoid harmful traits. On the other hand, we can become people who are full of love and care for others, "said Ustadz Arip.

As usual, the online study was followed by a question and answer session. Furthermore, it was closed with a prayer led by Ustadz Arip. [Praise]

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