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JDU Firdaus Night Welcomes Ramadan with Tablig Akbar

tablig akbar is paradise nightDDHK News, Hong Kong - With the theme "Marhaban Ya Ramadhan", the Hong Kong BMI recitation organization JDU Firdaus Night will hold a Tabligh Akbar and a Nasyid Concert at the Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial Collage, Sunday 1 June 2014, starting at 10 am until it's finished.

This event will present KH. M Shonhaji Nawal Karim Zubaidi (Caregiver of Majlis Ta'lim and Dzikir Mustaghitsu Al-Mughits Mantenan Udanawu Blitar, East Java) and Gus Faiz Husnul Khitam (Ngadiluwih Kediri East Java) and the Nasyid Concert with Star Nasyid Hong Kong. (Sugiarti / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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