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Gus Mus: Terrorists Have Wrong Faith

Islam which is understood by hardline groups, including terrorist groups, is an overreached Muslim. There needs to be improvements in Islamic da'wah and alignment of Islamic creeds. This was conveyed by Muslim scholar KH Mustofa Bisri or commonly known as Gus Mus at the PBNU office, Central Jakarta, Thursday (23/9/2010).

"Currently there are two kinds of people who do not understand Islam. One doesn't understand but wants to learn, and the other doesn't understand but doesn't want to learn and feels the most understanding. The second group is what makes it devastating, "said Gus Mus.

Because of the actions of a group of people acting on behalf of Islam, according to Gus Mus, Islam is no longer considered a religion that brings grace to the world. "The view of society, especially Western society, towards Islam is now getting worse. Islam has been considered a curse for others. In fact, Islam is a religion Rahmatan lil-alamin, a blessing for nature, "he said.

According to Gus Mus, the ulama must improve the image of Islam for the better. "We must return Islam to its essence which can be a blessing for others," he said.

This also prompted Gus Mus to pay a visit to the European Union to meet EU leaders. "I will convey what I understand and think is true to the leaders of Western countries so that there is a two-way understanding," he explained. (Compass).

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