
After Eating Do You Feel Weak? Maybe This Is The Cause

DDHK. ORG – Have you ever experienced that after eating you actually feel weak? Eating a meal or snack is supposed to provide energy. But sometimes, the drowsiness after a food coma comes on very quickly.

Instead of feeling energized, you are tired, lethargic, or slogans after eating. As reported Republika, according to an internist at Summit Health in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, Dr. Soma Mandal, there are four potential causes of this condition. Here's the explanation:

  1. Lots of Fat and Carbohydrates

Quoted from the page Men’s Health on Friday (5/5/2022), craving mac and cheese or a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch might not be the wisest choice if you want to fend off the need to snooze. In addition Dr Mandal said, if you eat large portions, it takes more energy to digest your food, which causes fatigue.

“Certain hormones like cholecystokinin can spike after this type of food and cause lethargy. These kinds of foods also increase inflammation in the body and cause people to experience fatigue," he said.

Instead, choose a healthy balance of good fats, complex carbohydrates, and protein at each meal. For example, think of a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread and a side salad with beans and an olive oil-based dressing, or a burrito. Another example is a bowl of brown rice with chicken, beans and vegetables.

  1. High Insulin

After eating, insulin (a hormone involved in regulating blood glucose) increases. When digestion is complete, insulin decreases, which can lead to fatigue.

"This can have a more profound effect on people who have type 2 diabetes," he said.

You can avoid excessive spikes and dips in your blood sugar by making sure to eat every few hours and avoiding long periods without eating. If you are still having problems and have diabetes, talk to your doctor before changing your treatment plan.

  1. Have an Underlying Health Condition

Dr Mandal said feeling tired after eating is sometimes a sign that something more serious is going on. For example, fatigue can be a mild symptom of celiac disease, a condition in which the body is unable to process gluten. If so, you may feel more energized after making the change to remove gluten from your diet.

Other potential underlying conditions including insomnia, hypothyroidism, and sleep apnea can also cause a person to feel more tired after eating. Talk to your doctor if you regularly find that you can't shake off the feeling of tiredness after eating despite changes in nutrition.

  1. Circadian Rhythms Off

He says your circadian rhythm is a normal 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. In a typical circadian cycle, you experience normal sleep phases during the night.

However, there are also smaller sleep phases during the afternoon and evening, usually between 14.00 and 16.00. Lunching too late can lead to increased fatigue in the smaller sleep phases. If you're always tired (not just after eating), look at the possible causes and solutions. [DDHK News]

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