ArticleUstadz's profile

Ustadz Abdul Rohman

The world of education and da'wah is truly ingrained in Ustadz H. Abdul Rohman. Apart from pursuing education up to a doctoral degree or doctoral program, this man who was born in Jakarta, February 3 24, also "donated" himself for a career in the world of education and da'wah.

Abdul Rohman started his education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Al-Mujahidin, Joglo, West Jakarta and graduated in 2000. Six years later, he graduated from Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and Madrasah Aliyah Religious (MAK) Pondok Pesantren Daarunnajah, Ulujami, Jakarta South.

His education continued at the Department of Tafsir and Al-Qur'an Science, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Al-Azhar University, Egypt. From one of the oldest Islamic universities located on the African continent, young Abdul Rohman received an Lc degree. for undergraduate education in 1.

He then continued his education in Khartoum, Sudan. Abdul Rohman earned his MA at Omdurman University Sudan. Meanwhile, he completed his doctoral education at Majma' Buhuts Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan.

Ustadz Rohman also pursued a career path in the world of education. He is listed as Head of the AIK Section of Muhammadiyah University of Technology, Jakarta. The man who is currently serving as a preacher Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong in the Land of Concrete, he is also listed as a permanent lecturer at the Jakarta Muhammadiyah University of Technology and teaches at several private universities in the capital and surrounding areas. Just to name a few, Mercu Buana University, Trisakti University, Pancasila University, Gunadarma University, and Esa Unggul University.

Ustadz Rohman also teaches routine studies at several mosques, prayer rooms and ta'lim assemblies around Jabodetabek. He was once part of the Dai Corps Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa), Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong and Macau in 2016, as well as Dai Office Dompet Dhuafa. He was also invited several times to take part in studies at PT Medco Energi on Natuna Island, Riau Islands.

From his organizational experience, he is recorded as having been the Head of the Youth and Cadre Division of the IPMM (Association of Mosque and Prayer Room Management) Joglo, West Jakarta. Ustadz Rohman has also served as Secretary for Education for JATTI (Middle East Alumni Network) Greater Jakarta. Apart from that, he is also listed as an administrator in the PAAMJ Education Sector (Al-Azhar Egypt Jakarta Alumni Management).

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