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Canadian Muslims Anti-Domestic Violence Campaign

Canadian Muslims join the international campaign White Ribbon Campaign  (WRC) to combat domestic violence (KDRT). "We hope to raise awareness about (avoiding) domestic (domestic) violence in Canada with White Ribbon Day," Afaun Mandol, spokesperson for Muslim Presence Toronto, told OnIslam.net.

"The WCR is a way to start a conversation in our society to oppose everyone talking and thinking about their personal beliefs, language and actions."

The WRC aims to empower men and boys to speak out against all forms of violence against women. The campaign is gaining momentum among Canadian Muslims following calls by Muslim groups and leaders to end domestic violence in the country.

"Domestic violence violates Islamic principles ... thus we definitely condemn all forms of domestic violence," Muslim groups said in a statement entitled "Call for Action to Eradicate Domestic Violence" (A kind request to Eradicate Domestic Violence).

As part of the campaign, mosque imams across Canada gave sermons on December 9 condemning domestic violence. The following day, the White Ribbon campaign was launched in the Muslim community of Toronto. The campaign also carries over to the “Reviving the Islamic Spirit Convention” December 23-25 ​​in Toronto.

Professor Tariq Ramadan, one of the world's foremost scholars of the Muslim world, added his voice to the campaign during his remarks at the convention in strong and emphatic words condemning domestic violence. “Domestic violence is unacceptable; stop it, "said Ramadan.

The campaign is also planned to be launched among Muslim communities in the cities of Ottawa and Montreal to coincide with International Women's Day on Thursday, March 8. Other Islamic organizations are planning to set up educational programs on family matters.

Muslims make up about 2,8 percent of Canada's 32,8 million population. A recent survey shows that the majority of Muslims are proud to be Canadian citizens and they are better educated than the general population. (Mel / OnIslam.net / ddhongkong.org). *

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