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DDHK Istikamah Facilitates Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong to Learn to Read Alquran

DDHK.ORG - Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) continue to istikamah in facilitating Indonesian migrant workers to learn to read Alquran. The facilitation, for example, is carried out through the Clinic program Alquran and learn qiraah LPTQ DDHK every Sunday.

On Sunday, August 29, 2021, it was reported that as many as 29 Indonesian migrant workers were present at the DDHK office in the Causeway Bay area to take part in the Clinic's activities. Alquran. Another 16 people use the Zoom app to learn to read Alquran online, guided by Ustadz Imam Alfaruq.

Isma, a member of the DDHK Volunteer Team who submitted the report, invited Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong and Macau to join in this activity. "For friends who don't have routine activities during Sunday holidays, you can join us, fill their days off by studying and reading books. Alquran. Please contact Mbak Jumini at 92421907," he said.

Isma also reported that on the same day DDHK also held qiraah learning activities through the DDHK LPTQ program. That is, learn to read Alquran with song.

"This activity was attended by 12 participants, guided by Mbak Durti," said Isma.

Clinic Program Alquran itself is a program initiated by Ustadz Zulfirman, one of the preachers who was presented by DDHK during Muhammad Ilham's leadership as General Manager, and Umi Fadah, a member of the DDHK Volunteer Team who was lined up as Coordinator of the DDHK Da'wah Division who has now returned to Indonesia.

A total of 12 Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong learn qiraah Alquran at the DDHK office.
A total of 12 Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong learn qiraah Alquran at the DDHK office.

“Then until now, thank God, it continues to grow. The enthusiasm of the participants is getting bigger. Now, we are holding both offline and online," said General Manager of DDHK, M. Imam Baihaqi.

Clinic Program Alquran itself is motivated by the fact that there are still many Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong who cannot read yet Alquran. “Hopefully, the opportunity while in Hong Kong can also be used to learn to read Alquran. So, when you go home, God willing, you can read Alquran well," said Imam. [DDHKNews]

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