
4 Solutions to Face the Test of Life

HONG KONG - Dai Cordofa, Ustadz Zulfirman, filled out routine religious studies for volunteers Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) on Tuesday night (12/8/2019). In his study, he said that everyone will not escape the test of life.

Ustadz Zulfirman also read the words of Allah Ta'ala in the second verse of the letter al-'Ankabut, "Do people think that they are allowed (alone) to say: 'We have believed', while they are not tested anymore?"

"The exam is divided into three," said Ustadz Zulfirman.

First, for people who are obedient, the test is a wasilah to increase the quality of the degree of faith. Second, for those who are not obedient, the test is to wash away their sins. Third, to see the extent of the quality of a servant's patience.

To face all the tests presented by Allah, Ustadz Zulfirman read the words of Allah Ta'ala in surrat al-Baqarah, verses 152-157. "(Based on these verses) the Koran provides four solutions so that we are given a way out of the test being faced," he said.

The fourth solution to facing life's tests is to always remember Allah Ta'ala, don't complain, be patient, and pray.

Patience himself, said Ustadz Zulfirman, is divided into three. Namely, patience in obedience, patience in leaving God's prohibitions, and patient in facing trials or trials. [Siti Ngatifah]

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