Why is there a hadith of the Prophet?


Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

I want to ask about the discussion of the study material for the Online Migrant Madrasah DDHK regarding the division of hadith into Sahih, Hasan, and Dhoif. Previously I apologized if the question was not good because I was in the stage of studying religion.

Ustadz, what is the purpose of the hadith? Regarding yesterday's explanation, a hadith can be said to be Sahih if it meets 5 certain conditions. There is also a mention of the Hadith Maudu '. This actually confuses people who don't understand religion.

Isn't the Koran clear about the truth?

Ustadz, isn't everything that is haram bad and shouldn't be done? But why are there fake hadiths with good commandments? As was conveyed by ustadz yesterday, "an-nazhofatu minal-iman" is a false hadith. That means, cleaning shouldn't be done, huh? Or, how does that mean?

And, who determines that this is a fake hadith, this is a dhoif hadith, and so on?

Allah's Way to Deliver His Word to Rasulullah SAW

Ustadz, were all of Allah's orders informed to Rasullullah SAW? Was a verse or two passed on to the other prophets? And, why should Rasullullah SAW? And, did the wife of Rasulullah SAW know that Allah gave His word through Rasulullah SAW?

And, how does Allah convey these words to Rasulullah, while Allah is invisible.

And, is it true that the person with the habib title is a descendant of Rasullullah SAW? If it is true, it means that Habib Rizieq Shihab and other habibs must be respected and honored, right?


Thank you, Ustadz.





Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Bismillah ... Hadith or sunnah is the second source of law after the Qur'an.

Hadith is anything that was relied on by the Messenger of Allah, both in the form of words, actions and decrees, as well as his physical and non-physical characteristics. Because whatever comes from him comes directly from Allah SWT and it is impossible to follow lust.

The position of hadith as the second source of law after the Koran is to explain the laws that are in the verses of the Qur'an which are still general in nature. For example, prayer problems. There is no verse that explains the prayer procedures in detail, but the explanation is in the behavior of the Prophet.

At the time when the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, the Qur'an was always down for 23 years. Of course the hadiths from him also accompany him. So, in order to avoid mixing the Qur'an and hadith, the Messenger of Allah ordered his companions to write the Qur'an and not write the hadiths.

The hadiths of the Messenger of Allah were only memorized and scrutinized without writing. Only, after the bookkeeping of the Al-Qur'an in the Mushaf occurred, since the time of the Caliph Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq, 70 people who memorized the Koran died as martyrs during the Yamamah war against the false prophet Musailamah Al-Kadzdzab (Tukang lie). Thus, the collection of the Qur'an was perfected during the time of Uthman bin Affan. After that, the bookkeeping of hadith was only done during the time of the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, by Az-Zuhri in the 2nd century Hijriyah.

This was due to the political situation that shook the country with the emergence of maudlu '(fake) hadiths that were breathed out by persons with political and economic interests. So, it is necessary to write the hadith in order to distinguish which hadith is true from the Prophet Muhammad and hadith which is false.

Thus, the science of hadith emerged which discussed the degree of a hadith, whether mut Worries (many of the narrators and it is impossible for them to agree to lie) or ahad (narrated by only a few people).

Among the ahad hadith, there are those that are shohih (true), hasan (good), and dloif (weak).

This division of the dloif (weak) hadith is the most. Among them is the hadith maudlu '(fake) which is the worst degree. The scholars agree that the law of hujjah or arguments with false hadiths is haram.

However, hujjah with weak hadith, while not fake, is still permissible under four conditions:

  1. Not related to the issue of faith;
  2. In connection with the virtue of religious deeds;
  3. Not very weak like many of the narrators are weak in it;
  4. Still under the auspices of a stronger and more general hadith.

It is the scholars of hadith who determine the degree of a hadith, whether it includes shohih, hasan, or dloif, through a knowledge called the science of hadith mushtholah, which was laid down its basics by previous salaf scholars.

Actually, the sentence: النظافة من الإيمان (Cleanliness is a part of faith) is not a hadith, but a similar meaning from a hadith which reads:

الطهور الإيمان (رواه لم)

"Cleanliness is half of faith". (Reported by Muslim)

So, it is okay to say the first expression earlier because it means true. However, what is not allowed is to rely on the sentence on the Messenger of Allah who said. Even if someone mentions that it is a hadith, it is most likely because he does not know.

As for the second sentence, it is true that the authentic hadith (true) spoken by the Messenger of Allah.

About Revelation

Yes, all the revelations have been conveyed by Allah SWT to every Prophet and His Messenger until they were perfect. So, none of the prophets and messengers died, while all the revelations were not finished. It's just that, there are different religious laws of the Prophet and the Prophet for their respective people, so that this law is perfect for the Prophet Muhammad as the cover of the Prophets and Messengers.

Revelation is only conveyed to the Prophet or Rasul because they are the chosen people of Allah who are sure to be strong in carrying a very heavy prophetic and apostolic burden.

Of course, the wives of Rasulullah saw that Allah's word was revealed to him. In fact, there are several verses relating to admonition to the wives of the Prophet.

Allah SWT cannot be seen by His creatures in the world, as He says:

لَّا تُدۡرِكُهُ ٱلۡأَبۡصَـٰرُ وَهُوَ یُدۡرِكُ ٱلۡأَبۡصَـٰرَۖ وَهُوَ ٱللَّطِیفُ ٱلۡخَبِیرُ

{سورة الأنعام: }

“He cannot be reached by sight, whereas He can see all visions. And He is the most refined, the most thorough ”. {Surah Al-An'am: 103}

However, Allah SWT can be seen by the inhabitants of heaven, just as they see the moon on a full moon night. And this is heaven's greatest favor. The frequency of seeing Allah is based on one's acts of worship while in the world.

Allah SWT delivered revelations in the form of verses from the Qur'an and hadiths which were conveyed by the Messenger of Allah through the angel Jibril. As for the method, only Allah knows, because there are things that we cannot perceive through our senses. Meanwhile, the way the angel Jibril delivered revelations to the Prophet Muhammad was sometimes through the original form, the sound of a bell, a dream, resembling an ordinary human being, and so on.

About Habib

Habib literally means beloved or beloved. The term habib or in its plural form known as habaib are those who have a line of lineage to the Messenger of Allah through Fatima Az-Zahra.

Our duty is to respect the habaib, because loving the ahlul bait (family) of the Prophet Muhammad is the principle of ahlussunnah (people who adhere to the sunnah). Moreover, if they are people who are committed to the teachings of their great grandfather, namely the Holy Prophet.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


(Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH)


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