
Is Crocodile Meat Halal to Eat?

Assalamu'alaikum Ustadz, I have a question. What is the ruling on eating crocodile meat? ANSWER: وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته Bismillah... In modern times like today, there are lots of people who innovate in many ways, including culinary. Among the unusual foods to be consumed, one of them is crocodile meat. In fact, many people are willing to spend deeply in order to try this culinary experience. Then how does Islam view this problem? Are alligators halal to eat? Crocodile is a type of reptile and breathes with lungs, air enters through the nostrils and is then channeled into the lungs. When a crocodile enters the water, its nostrils close and... READ MORE

The work environment is bad and makes the heart feel restless, it's better to leave

Assalamu'alaikum Ustadz, I want to ask. I work gold shop. Well, this is what I get that makes me upset, I keep thinking about it. The problem is, someone buys gold. I had an excess of IDR 77.500, but the cashier said I only got IDR 27.500 back. Initially the problem, the buyer wants to exchange rings. One ring was sold to buy a ring with a new motif. I have already counted the money, in essence the buyer must receive a change of IDR 77.500. Since my cashier doesn't want to be seen as wrong, bitchy, very fierce, and his friends also fully support him, I can't do anything, Ustadz. I had to say, "Sorry, my fault then,". Then, the change (by the number of versions ... READ MORE

The Law of Postponing Zakat Mal for Not Haul yet

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings. Ustadz, can the remaining zakat money that has not been distributed be divided until next year because some of it has not yet reached its haul? Please enlighten. Greetings, ANSWER: وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته Bismillah... Perhaps what the questioner meant was about zakat mal, where the condition for issuing zakat mal is to reach nishab (the minimum amount that zakat must be issued from) and haul (one year has passed). The year in question is hijriyah or qomariyah, not AD. If one of the conditions is not met, then the property is not yet obligated to issue zakat. From Ummul mukminin Aisyah radliyallãhu 'anha, Rasulullah shallallãhu 'alaihi wasallam said: لا زكاةَ في مالٍ حتى يَحولَ ... READ MORE

What is Sunni, Hadith Expert, Wahhabi, Hanafi, Salafi?

Assalamualaikum. What is the difference between Sunnis and hadith experts? Then, what is Wahhabism? And, what is the difference between Hanafi and Salafi? ANSWER: وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته Bismillah... Talking about Sunnis, that term is a reference to Muslims who follow sunnah or whatever is taught and exemplified by His Majesty Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. In other words, it is called ahlus sunnah wal jama'ah (adherents of the sunnah within the jama'ah frame). Sunnis are the largest Islamic sect in the world. Sunnis have adherents of nearly 90% of Muslims in the world. The rest are other sects such as the Khawarij, Mu'tazilah, and Shi'a. Shia itself is another sect outside of Sunni whose followers ... READ MORE

Fathers don't support, daughters have become the backbone of the family since they were 19 years old

Peace be upon you, Ustadz. Sorry in advance, I want to ask about the obligation to provide for a father to his family. He has a grown daughter and is not married. Currently the status of the child is the backbone of the family. All costs are borne by the daughter. Since he was 19 years old until now he is 26 years old. Meanwhile, his father never gave a penny to his family. He is no longer the backbone of the family, even though he is still relatively healthy and strong enough to earn a living if he only rides motorbike taxis. The mother feels guilty for her daughter. Because according to him, the child is still ... READ MORE

Prayer Readings for People Who Have Died

DDHK.ORG – Reading Prayers for People Who Have Died السلام ليكم الله اته Ustadz, I want to ask a question. What is the intention and the reading if we want to pray for the late grandfather, grandmother, or someone who has died? Please enlighten. Thank you, Ustadz. Greetings, Fulanah ANSWER: ليكم السلام الله ات Bismillah… My sister who is blessed by Allah. Praying for people who have died is a recommendation from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, especially for fellow Muslims. Moreover, there are still families such as fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, and even children. In a hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: ا اتَ ابنُ انْقَطَعَ لُهُ لَّا لَاثٍ: ... READ MORE

The Law of Exaggerating Prices in Shopping Notes

DDHK.ORG – The Law of Exaggerating Prices on Shopping Notes السلام ليكم الله اته Ustadz, I want to ask a question. I work in a shop, then there are subscriptions that I usually buy. He always asked for a payment note when it was written that the price was more expensive than the original price. From the results of the memorandum of payment, there must be a difference. I always give it to him, but I also share it with the employees at the shop as well. Is that allowed? Please your advice. Thank you, Ustadz. Greetings, Fulanah ANSWER: ليكم السلام الله ات Bismillah… My sister who is blessed by Allah. Buying and selling is one of the two best jobs, as history... READ MORE

Best Time to Pray Dluha

DDHK.ORG – The Best Time for Prayer Dluha السلام ليكم الله اته Ustadz, I have a question. Is the Dluha prayer only allowed after 8 am? And, what is the ruling if we pray Dluha at 7-8 am? Because after that, it's time for work. Thank you, Ustadz. Greetings, Fulanah ANSWER: ليكم السلام الله ات Bismillah… My sister who is blessed by Allah. Dluha means the expansion of the sun and the distribution of the day. The Dluha prayer is a sunnah prayer that is performed at the time the sun rises after sunrise until the time of Zhuhur time. The Dluha prayer time begins when the sun rises to the size of a spear or about 12 to ... READ MORE

Dozens of Years Debt Pay the Past or Present Value of Money?

DDHK.ORG – Debt of Dozens of Years Paying Past or Current Value? اللام ليكم الله اته Ustadz, please enlighten me. Person A has died a dozen years ago and there is a debt to person B. Then now, person C appears with a fortune to pay off the debt of the late A to person B. The question is, is the debt calculated for the value of A's lifetime or today? Thank you, Ustadz. Regards, Fulanah ANSWER: ليكم السلام الله ات Bismillah... If someone dies while still in debt, it is the heirs who are obliged to pay off the debt. Even debt repayment and or... READ MORE

Provisions Regarding Aqiqah

DDHK.ORG – Provisions Regarding Aqiqah السلام ليكم الله اته Ustadz, I want to ask. First, if we are aqiqah, is it not permissible for the biological father of the baby who is holding his child to have his hair cut? Second, if the baby girl is one goat. Isn't it okay to add chicken, considering the invitation that eating one goat is not enough? Third, can families who have an intention not eat the aqiqah meat? Jazakumullah khairon sir Ustadz for the answer. Thank you, Ustadz. Regards, Fulanah ANSWER: ليكم السلام الله ات Bismillah... Aqiqah is an expression of gratitude from parents to Allah Subhanahu wata'ala for the gift of a baby born to... READ MORE