Want to teach but not confident

DDHK.ORG - Want to teach but not confident

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

What are the ways or tips to make us more confident and useful for many people by becoming a teacher of the Koran recitation? With the limited knowledge we have, our abilities are still mediocre, sometimes we are afraid of being wrong with what we teach along with the development of digital technology.

Thank you, Ustadz.

Greetings, Fulanah


Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you

Habib Zain bin Sumaith in his words recorded by his student, Sheikh Ali Baharun, said that "the most afdhal alms is teaching knowledge to his brother". So the task of inviting others to goodness, sharing knowledge is a moral and obligation for us as Muslims.

So what if we worry that what we teach is lacking or even wrong?

So the first point, before teaching our knowledge to our friends or relatives, use the main book or book in reference to the knowledge we want to teach. Either in the form of books in Indonesian or in foreign languages.

Second, let us keep our intention to learn when we teach knowledge to our brothers and sisters. Because if we are wrong or wrong but we have the intention to learn because it is in the period of self-improvement and learning from the teacher, then it is forgiven.

Shaykh Ahmad Khan, a great cleric from the Hijaz land, made his job type in the passport as a student (student) because he instilled the nature of tholibul ilmi (seeker of knowledge) in him.

Hopefully this intention is imprinted on us and Allah forgives all our shortcomings and mistakes.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

[Answered by: Ustadz Fauzan Akbar Daulay]


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