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Benefits of Fasting Sunnah Monday Thursday for Health

DDHK. ORG - Fasting sunnah Monday and Thursday strongly encouraged the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Apart from keeping away from the fire of hell, this fast also has several benefits for health.

Reported Republika, in the book Healthy with Worship by Jamal Muhammad Az-Zaki, it is stated that there are a number of benefits of fasting, including sunnah fasting Monday Thursday.

He said, one of the most frightening dangers for humans in everyday life is the deposition of toxic substances in cells, which can threaten health.

Scientists say, toxic substances that stick to cells will inhibit performance and slow down their activities.

The accumulation of these toxic substances takes quite a long time and it is impossible for humans to avoid them. This is the factor of premature aging in humans.

On the other hand, the human body has great potential to absorb toxic substances, which if allowed to continue to accumulate in the body will damage existing body cells.

By fasting, this works like a disguised weapon that counteracts and removes toxic substances, without leaving any effect on the human organs.

For this reason, routine sunnah fasting such as Monday-Thursday (every week) is very beneficial for the health of the human body.

Fasting can be a shield for the body to absorb these toxic substances. Regarding fasting, Rasulullah SAW said, “As-Shiyyamu junnatun”, which means, “Fasting is a shield.”

Fasting in Islam is one of the worships that is included in the pillars of Islam that must be carried out. Fasting consists of obligatory and sunnah fasting.

Quoting a book entitled The Smart Book of Islamic Religion by Abu Aunillah Al-Baijury, fasting is the third pillar of Islam. In his understanding, fasting is refraining from eating, drinking, lust, and so on which can break the fast from sunrise to sunset.

Quoted from Halodoc, the health benefits of fasting can be lost if done carelessly. These are the benefits of fasting for the health of the body:

1. Improve Brain Function
Fasting triggers the growth of new nerve cells in the brain. That is why, fasting can help improve brain function, including protecting the brain from the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Fasting for a full month can also form new network routes in the brain so that it helps biological, psychological and functional development.

2. Increases Endurance
Fasting for three days or more triggers the overall immune system regeneration process in people of all ages. Fasting also triggers stem cells to produce new white blood cells, thereby increasing the body's resistance to fighting infection.

3. Increase Happiness
Fasting is an arena for self-control, including from negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors. After a few days of fasting, the body will produce more endorphins. This is a hormone that plays a role in reducing pain and triggering feelings of pleasure, calm, and happiness.

4. Increase Human Growth Hormone
Fasting can stimulate an increase in human growth hormone (HGH). This is because HGH is very effective in regulating metabolism, building muscle mass, burning fat, increasing muscle strength and losing weight without losing muscle.

5. Overcoming Insulin Resistance
Fasting is effective in maintaining blood sugar (glucose) levels and body weight in people with type-2 diabetes. Apart from diabetes, too much consumption of carbohydrates and sugar can make the body resistant to insulin. As a result, you are more at risk of developing chronic diseases, including heart disease.

6. Healthy Heart
People who fast regularly have a lower risk of heart disease. This is because, regular fasting makes the body adapt so that fat will be used as the main source of energy for the body. The impact, cholesterol in the body will be reduced and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Thus the benefits of fasting for health. Hopefully after reading this it will motivate you to fast more. [DDHK News]

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