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Launching the Online Migrant Madrasah Program, DDHK Provides Comprehensive Studies for Migrant Workers

DDHK.ORG - In 2021, the second year of the Covid-19 outbreak, Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) created the Online Migrant Madrasah (MPO) program. The launch of this program was carried out through the Stadium General event which was held online on Sunday, January 10, 2021.

“We don't know whether the Covid-2021 pandemic will end in 19 or not. We also don't know whether this year we can bring in asatidz from Indonesia to Hong Kong or not, ”said the General Manager of DDHK, M. Imam Baihaqi, during his opening remarks.

He said, many experts stated that the Covid-19 outbreak would last several years. "It could be that in 2021 we will not be able to freely gather and organize outside majelis taklim freely. Therefore, we, DDHK and the DD Central Da'wah team, created the Online Migrant Madrasah program. This is the Stadium General. Today is his first lecture, ”said Imam.

The General Stadium with the theme "Iman, Islam, Ihsan", was delivered by Ustadz Ahmad Fauzi Qosim, Secretary of the Sharia Council Dompet Dhuafa, as well as DDHK Shari'ah and Da'wah Consultants. This event was attended by administrators and congregations of DDHK da'wah partners in Hong Kong and Macau.

They follow the event live through the Zoom application and live Facebook Live on the page Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong ( The launching of the DDHK da'wah program was also recorded and re-broadcast on the DDHK News Youtube channel (

Imam explained that the MPO program is a structured study of themes and materials, it is appropriate to study in madrasas with religious teachers who are competent in their fields. Based on the learning module, DDHK prepared at least 21 religious teachers to oversee this Online Perantau Madrasah.

So, Imam emphasized, every week the participants who take part in their scientific studies will increase well, their understanding will also develop. "We have compiled the material for the next year," he said.

"We must be able to take lessons from every incident that we experience. Allah made the disaster in the form of Covid-19, there must be a wisdom behind it. If we can't gather in our respective assemblies, precisely because of the Covid-19 pandemic we can carry out joint activities across assemblies with clerics and the same material, "said Imam.

The DDHK MPO program will run from January to November 2021. Imam promised, at the end of 2021 the participants of the Online Perantau Madrasah will be given a certificate stating that they have attended the study for a year. The certificate also includes a list of the materials.

"Hopefully it can be conveyed to members of the assembly to take part in the study at the Online Migrant Madrasah program on a regular basis," said Imam.

Starting the Stadium General study, Ustadz Ahmad Fauzi Qosim explained that the effort to implement the Online Migrant Madrasah program was carried out so that Indonesian migrant workers were facilitated to continue to explore the religious sciences, Dinul Islam. "Some of us do research in hopping. We hope that the studies we will carry out during 2021 can take place in a comprehensive manner, "he said.

"We are projecting the online study of the Online Migrant Madrasah, so that it crosses boundaries. From Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macau, and anywhere else, they can participate in this study, ”said Ustadz Fauzi.

Themes and Study Materials of Online Migrant Madrasahs

DDHK Online Perantau Madrasah is a structured, systematic, and comprehensive Islamic learning center program with predefined reference standards with speakers from the Dai Corps. Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa) who is competent, graduated from Islamic boarding schools and the Middle East. The Diinul Islam Study will be delivered comprehensively every Sunday, with four major themes.

First, "Prophetic Legacy". The study of al-Quran and al-Hadith, conducted in 11 meetings. His references are Ulumul Qur'an and Mukhtarul Hadith.

Second, "Muslim Manual". The study of fiqh was conducted in 10 meetings. The references are Safinatun Najah, Sulamun Najat, Fiqh Zakat, and Matan Taqrib.

Third, "Light of Faith". Aqidah study was conducted in 10 meetings. The references are the books of Aqidatul Awam, Qathrul Ghaits, Tijan ad-Darari, and Jawahirul Kalamiyah.

Fourth, "Elective People". The study of the Prophet's sirah and morals was carried out in 10 meetings. The references are the books of Syamail Muhammadiyyah, Nurul Yaqin, and Ar-Rahiqul Makhtum. [DDHK News]

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