Improve Brain Health by Familiarizing Yourself with These 5 Activities in the Morning

There are a number of good morning habits you can adopt to improve brain health. This habit is useful not only for preventing cognitive decline, but also for increasing concentration and clarity in thinking.

Quoting Livestrong, CNN Indonesia launches 5 good morning habits to improve brain health.

First, a 30 minute cardio workout. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. For example, half an hour of brisk walking or cycling five days a week.

As an alternative, you can choose vigorous exercise for 75 minutes such as running or swimming. However, be sure to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine, especially if you have limited mobility or have a medical condition.

"Cardiovascular exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which helps prevent and possibly repair that (brain) damage," says Reid Kehoe, a neurologist at Northwestern Medicine.

Second, drink a cup of coffee. A May 2021 review in the journal Cureus found that caffeine can increase the brain's processing speed and improve memory. While a December 2016 review in Practical Neurology suggests that coffee in moderation can also improve alertness, well-being, concentration and mood.

Third, set the MIND diet. MIND is a cross between the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet which emphasizes plant-based foods while limiting red meat, saturated fat and sugar.

"It keeps the blood vessels in your brain healthy," says Kehoe.

The recommended breakfast on the MIND diet includes vegetable smoothies, oatmeal with nuts and berries, whole wheat seeds, and vegetables.

Fourth, play challenging games. Sitting for a while enjoying breakfast while playing puzzles, sudoku, or wordle can be a good morning habit that you can do.

A 2017 report from the Global Council on Brain Health notes that some of these games can help maintain or improve cognition. According to the report, this leads to better memory, attention, thinking, language, and reasoning abilities.

Fifth, hanging out with friends. Starting your morning by meeting friends can be a good morning habit that is good for brain health.

"Research shows that social isolation is a risk factor for cognitive decline later in life," says Kehoe. “On top of that, strong social relationships can also prevent depression to some degree.”

According to Harvard Health Publishing, hanging out with friends and acquaintances can improve attention and memory, as well as strengthen neural networks. You can take a morning workout with friends, have coffee before work, or call loved ones during your trip.