Tingling Feet, Here's How To Get Rid Of It

In medical terms, tingling is called paresthesia. When the feet are tingling, sufferers generally feel goosebumps, numbness, or more often feel pain like being pricked by a needle.

Paresthesia can occur when a person does not move their body position for a long time. Quoted from the Healthline page, this tingling sensation occurs due to pressure on the nerves. Prolonged pressure can inhibit the delivery of oxygen and energy that the body needs to send signals to the brain. Apart from that, certain diseases can also cause tingling to occur.

To overcome this, CNN Indonesia launched several ways to get rid of tingling in the feet according to the causes which were summarized from various sources.

One way to get rid of tingling feet is to soak them in warm water mixed with salt. Instead of salt, you can also use essential oils like peppermint or chamomile. This method can be done to treat tingling feet caused by diabetic neuropathy or nerve disorders that can occur due to diabetes.

Tingling due to diabetic neuropathy can also be overcome by using special socks to increase blood circulation in the legs. These special socks are made of a soft, stretchy and moisture-wicking material.

Shoes that don't fit your feet can also make your feet tingle. Choose shoes that are the right size, comfortable to wear, and don't restrict the movement of your toes.

The most common cause of pins and needles is that you have been in one position for too long. To fix this, try changing your position so that blood circulation flows smoothly and the tingling disappears immediately.

Apart from changing positions, moving your feet can also be a way to deal with tingling. You do this by shaking your legs in various directions to make the blood flow smooth again and the tingling feeling disappears.

Another way to get rid of tingling in your feet is to massage your feet slowly for a few moments until the tingling subsides.

If the tingling doesn't get better, you can take pain relievers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and mefenamic acid can be used to treat all-over pain due to inflammation. Even though the drug is sold freely, don't forget to always take the drug according to the recommended dosage.