PMI is obliged to reject the command to clean windows without a security trellis

DDHK.ORG - Repeated cases of death of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) due to falls while cleaning windows pushed the Consulate General of the Republic Indonesia (Consulate General) Hong Kong to remind PMI again that they are prohibited from cleaning outside windows that do not have safety trellises. Indonesian Migrant Workers are obliged to refuse if their employers ask or force them to do the work.

The appeal was conveyed by the Indonesian Consulate General through its official Facebook page, Tuesday (19/1/2021). "PMI is prohibited from cleaning outside windows that do not have safety trellises and is obliged to refuse to be cleaned by the employer," wrote the Indonesian Consulate General.

If Indonesian Migrant Workers are asked to clean the outside of the window, the KJRI emphasized, the window must have a safety rail. Even then, only cleaning is limited to the reach of the hand.

Indonesian Migrant Workers are obliged to report if their employer forces them to clean windows that do not have safety trellises. KJRI suggested that PMI should report to three institutions. Namely, to the Hong Kong Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Section at hotline 27399000, to the Indonesian Consulate General's hotline at 67730466 or 68942799, as well as to their respective agencies.

This is in line with the latest regulation issued by the Hong Kong Labor Department which has been in effect since 2017. The official website reported, “Effective January 1, 2017, the Standard Employment Contract (“ SEC ”) for PRTA (foreign domestic workers) includes a new clause on cleaning outward-facing windows to protect the safety of domestic workers. The new clause stipulates that, when an employer asks FDHs to clean outside windows that are not located on the ground floor or adjacent to balconies (where the worker must be safe enough to work) or public corridors, this should be done under the following conditions . "

The conditions referred to include, first, the window being cleaned is equipped with a grid (trellis) which is locked or secured in such a way that the grille cannot be opened; and second, there is no part of the PRTA's body beyond the window sill except for the arm.

Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong are obliged to refuse orders from their employers to ask them to clean windows without safety bars.

Named Restiani, Originally Cilacap

As is known, on Thursday, January 14, 2021, an Indonesian Migrant Worker who worked as a domestic worker fell and died at North Point. At 09.56:204 a.m., police received a report that a foreign woman was lying on the ground outside Block A, Kingsford Garden No. XNUMX, Tin Hau Temple Road, North Point, allegedly falling from a height.

After investigating by the police, it was confirmed that the victim was a 37 year old Indonesian domestic worker. It is believed that she accidentally fell off the balcony of the unit while wiping the windows of her employer's apartment.

Based on the upload of the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Migrants in Hong Kong (GAMMI-HK), Rosidah Al Mansur, the ill-fated Indonesian Migrant Worker is named Restiani binti Monday. The deceased came from Cilacap, Central Java.

"Hopefully the late Husnul Khotimah. After all he died in a struggle for the family's economy, even at the cost of his life. Hopefully the family will always be given courage and patience, ”wrote Rosidah. [DDHK News]