Faith and Falsehood Cannot Get Together

By: Ustadz Talqis Nurdianto, Lc., MA. [Candidate for PhD Degree from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia]

THE great ENJOY that Allah gives to us is the blessing of faith. We cannot make someone believe if Allah does not want it to be. As someone cannot be misled if Allah guards him with guidance as stated by Allah Ta'ala in QS. Al-A'raf: 178. While people who are astray, do not get the guidance of Allah, including those who are losers.

This faith is what we must guard with obedience and devotion to Allah. Faith is also cultivated with gratitude and patience. Gratitude for the blessings Allah gives by using it in obedience. Be patient for the trials and trials that God gives in this life. The test does not only happen to us, but every one of us is definitely tried and tested by Allah (QS. Al-Baqarah: 155).

It could be that a believer becomes cowardly or miserly. However, not a believer is lying. This is because lies and faith cannot come together in one body. This is because Allah curses those who lie (Surat Ali Imran: 61).

Hadith conveyed by Shafwan bin Salim, narrations of Ahmad and Tirmidhi stated that one of the companions asked Rasulullah SAW: "O Messenger of Allah, is a believer a coward?" the Apostle replied; "Yes it could be". "Is a believer stingy (miser)?" The answer: "yes, it could be". The third question is: "Is a believer lying?" the Prophet replied firmly; "Not".

In the above hadith, the Prophet clearly explains that it is impossible for a believer to lie because a lie or lie is the nature of a munafiq person, not the nature of a believer. Considering the consequences of lying are dangerous for the world and the hereafter the perpetrators. Therefore it is strictly forbidden to have this characteristic in the believer.

Believers who speak the truth will lead him to goodness, and goodness will lead him to heaven. Conversely, people who like to lie will lead to badness, and evil will lead to hell. This lie becomes the mother of immorality and causes destruction to his person, family, society, and country.

A believer does not lie in his words, deeds, and intentions. On the other hand, a believer must be honest in his words, deeds, and intentions. Allah SWT commands believers to be cautious and speak truthfully and honestly as He says in QS. Al-Ahzab: 70.

Thus, let us maintain the honesty that always sticks to the person of a believer. It is not because of work that we lie, not because of the position of having the courage to lie, not because we want to get a little wealth then lie, and so on. Faith is more expensive, invaluable, and not worth it if it has to be pawned with a lie to get a momentary, little material in the world. Allahu a'lam bish-shawab.

May be useful!

Photo source: Kompas